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1861 Sept 2d Mon
15th Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

to follow up the river one day - & the next 2 following go [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] X along the land Eastward - the last day of the 4 to go wherever I thought best. 
At IX 1/2 A.M. I, accompanied by Tu-nuk-de-lien started on the purposed tramp on East side of the river.  Allokee (Too-loo-ka-ah) also went with us - but soon as he saw the party across the river skinning Took-too he made his way rock to rock in crossing river near the falls direct to said party.
The above or preceeding notes are written here on an eminence a little over a mile from 15th Enc. by or facing the falls proper.
Tu-nuk-de-lien is engaged in sewing, sitting on the carpeted ground while I write.  A beautiful sight before by & around me.  A patriotic sight indeed by me - the 

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1861 Sept 2d Mon
15th Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

"Stars & Stripes" floating in the breeze.  The falls dashing in white at my right - sending forth its roar - also at right the extended plains of grass.  At the NW [[underlined]] an opening in the mountains that opens to view What? - I yet am to determine. [[/underlined]]
At my left, winds the beautiful river gracefully moving its water toward Frobisher Bay.  Also at my left the [[underlined]] phenomenon [[/underlined]] of this region N. - the line (Bank) of [[underlined]] Blue & White sand [[/underlined]] - but I must trudge on tho' I have been in wait to see Koo-jes-se start.  He is still engaged at Took-too skinning across the river.  Old Allokee (Too-loo-ka-ah) busily engaged in making his morning feast upon it.  The weather a little while ago looked propitious of a fine day.  It has now changed.  I fear I will not have a Sun by wh. to determine Latitude - but I must away.