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1861 Sep 2d Mon
15 Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

While Tu-nuk-de-lien takes a walk down the "Look Around" eminence a little below the Falls on wh. we made a stop, I trudge on to the "Falls".  When near them, I looked back, & she was again upon the eminence I had just left.  I waved my flag for her to [[underlined]] Ki-ete [[/underlined]] to wh. she responded by shouldering her pack & making her way to me.  In 10 rods the river falls 25 feet.  True course of Falls N.N.W. & S.S.E.  Direction of river from Falls to its final bend toward F. Bay 123° Az. C.  N. termination of the phenomenon the [[underlined]] white & blackish sand ridge (Fossil Mt.) [[/underlined]] 84°
To termination of ridge of Mts at [[underlined]] the Gate-Way [[/underlined]] ahead 328
Koo-jes-se now arrives opposite side of Falls - crosses by fearful leaps rock to rock!  Course of river above Falls 11 Paces 346° - thence 11 Paces 262 wh. reaches next broken character of river running over rocks.
Now we have turned in under the friendly protection of a huge boulder rock.  The beating rain reaches us not.  We have just refreshed ourselves in our new - (Is it not an old one?) house with a portion of the rein-deer shot by Kood-loo this Morning wh. Koo-jes-se has brought along with him.
Here I sit writing with a [[underlined]] gold [[/underlined]] pen in ink these primary notes.  Old Al-lo-kee (Too-loo-ka-ah), the Seko-Se-lah Innuit

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1861 Sep 2d Mon
15 Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

at my back down on his front asleep.  Koo-jes-se is before me looking out from beneath the solid roof of our shelter with his "spy" away to the mountain's side of Kin-gaite for Took-too, while Too-nuk-de-lien at his left is also looking out - & engaged every now & then in [[underlined]] 'talk', [[/underlined]] same as all of her sex [[underlined]] in all lands [[/underlined]] are wont to do.
We have left the river wh. is now distant 1/2 a mile from us.  Its general course N.W: - have been passing along during the last hour on the side a long, even hill which is covered with vegetation of the various sorts belonging to the country - & boulders moss covered.  At the base of this extended hill, the side of wh. is greatly inclined, say 20° degrees, are boulder rocks - nothing but rocks as if the sea once was limited by them.
The rain has slackened a little.  We resume our march of Discovery.  My Company is an excellent one - Old Al-lo-kee