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1861 Sep 2d Mon
15th Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

some of the shrub used by Innuits in making their fires in Summer.  Koo-jes-se proceeds to make a fire of it under our mountain aged roof to cook some of the Venison.  Tunukdelien having brought along a dish with wh. she gathers blueberries (Kee-o-tuny-nun) on the way for our entertainment.  It makes a capital pot for this cooking arrangement.  In a few minutes now we have cooked Venison & hot Soup.  How delicious it will be, tho' here spell or weather bound to a rock House.  The weather may yet permit our resuming march to the Northward & Westward before night overtakes us.  If not we must make the best of it on the soft side of the rocks beneath us - for certainly there is a [[underlined]] soft [[/underlined]] side, the upper being covered with velvet moss!  Who will not envy our mansion?  I feel at Home, for the bright symbol of my country is by me.  It looks gloriously refreshing as I see it in contrast with

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1861 Sep 2d Mon
15th Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

these gray old rocks.
It is greatly endeared to me, for [[underlined]] I know it preceeds all others in the Lands & Waters I now visit! [[/underlined]]
Koo-jes-se has just handed me the marrow of the Took-too bone he has broken open.  Fine eating indeed - of course raw.  Now comes the cooked Venison & Soup.
A refreshing diet have we all had out of that little blueberry cup - boiled Venison & soup!  But the rain continue - it increase, the wind from S.E. freshens - we are to have a long storm.  The thick clouds fall to the earth all around closing in all view.
Koo-jes-se & I have conferred together.  We mutually decide it best to return to 15th encampment as the storm has every indication of being a long one.  We now prepare for retracing steps.
Back again under the same befriending, huge