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1861 Sep 2 Mon
15 Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

boulder rock.  A capital resting place.  My oil cloth coat hangs heavily on my left shoulder where is mounted my 2d "Job's Comforter".  I fear this exposure & irritation of this affliction friend will prove a draw back to me.  Under this dry rock roof I feel to join Allokee in his sin-nik-poo (sleep).  A few moments of such rest will do me good.  Sleepy eye-lids are now mine.
I have had a 10 minute nap - feel better - an increasing beating storm warns us make haste to Tupiks.  We now arouse Allokee & then trudge on.
My flag already begins to exhibit [[underlined]] elementary-War [[/underlined]] use in this Expedition.  But this enhances its value with me.  Its scars will be a speaking history of the trials & scenes in wh. we have mutually been through.
We now resume Home-ward march.  I hope to return this route before leaving 15th Encampment.  I feel that I must 

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1861 Sep 2d Mon
15 Enc.  2d Day  25th Day Out

yet visit the Great "Gate Way" to the Nor West.  Now for 15th Enc.
Back to Tupiks - 15th Enc. - a [[strikethrough]] tired [[/strikethrough]] weary wet quartette.  Arrived hVII-m30 P.M. the rain storm still unabated.
Passing or coming along as we did over nearly the same track as we went out, my eye often met with piles of broken fossil stones here & there among the moss covered boulder rocks of the hill side.  In one place over a bushel-heap of these stones that had evidently once been a unit - now broken up by moisture & frosts.
As we made the river again, Koo-jes-se saw "loons", swimming in a pool made between two falls of the river.  We saw several flocks of snow birds. - Tu-nuk-de-lien tried her hand at firing stones at them.  Tho' she made good hand shots yet killed none.  Small game is thus treated by the Innuits - firing my stones with the hand.  Their precision is not remarkable