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1861 Sep 4 Wedns
15 Enc.  4th Day  27th Day Out

Koo-mung, wife of Old Allokee has just come in, h2 1/2 P.M. with her skin jacket sleeve full of Blueberries & Crowberries ([[space]]).  She has emptied them out into a quart dish wh. is nearly filled with the delicious fruit & presented the same to me.  Good & kind souls many of these Innuits have got.  It is well that one finds friends be he when he may.  Especially are they appreciated away up here almost - on [[underlined]] quite a sick man [[/underlined]] as I am tho' I do dislike to acknowledge it.  Not as we will, but as God will have it with us, poor helpless mortals. 
The rain storm now (h2-m30 PM) commences again.  Really, the resumption of the old fashion weather that we experienced up to the time of starting on this Expedition.  The many successive pleasant days succeeding the leaving the G. Henry made attonement for much of the bad weather before - that is according to my view.
If it would only rain & rain hard all that is needed for two or three days & then clear off & leave us fine weather it would add much to my enjoyment & success in the Work began.

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1861 Sept 4 Wedns
15 Enc.  4th Day  27 Day Out

A flock of Brent Geese passed & repassed our 15th Enc. this Morn.  This is a place where they seem to abound from the many evidences along the shores of the Bay & river.
Now h3-m45 P.M. Rain & hail!  Really, Winter must be coming.  It is cold enough to pass by that name.
Two white whales (Ken-e-leu-ung) just passed (VII PM) bye our 15th Encampment.  Their course was down the river, Bay-ward.  They went with great speed.
The tide is now (hVII PM) nearly up to our tupik - Sept 4th Day 10h New Moon, P. Time.  High tide at full & change I will yet note.  Tonight the wind blowed the water rough so that I could not exactly determine the moment of high tide but as near as I could come to it hVII-00 is the time of high tide here full & change.
Koo-jesse, Koo-per-neu-ung Allokee & Miner who have been out after Took-too