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[[note]] 7 Pages in this Day's Record [[/note]]

1861 Sep 4 Wedns
15th Enc.  4th Day  27th Day Out

returned this eve.  Allokee says he saw [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 9.  Koo-jes-se saw none, Koo-per-neu-ung saw several & pulled trigger but the cap only snapped.
Last night my feet were very cold.  Allokee & Koo-mung were in their Took-too bed, heads next or near my feet.  I made it my way to straighten down in such a way that it brought my feet direct upon their [[underlined]] hot heads! [[/underlined]] - one foot on Koo-mung's the other on old Allokee's head.  I may add my feet were no longer cold or wet.  If anything to complain of, feet were too hot, but I had a remedy for this for when so, all I had to do was to give crooks to my legs thus withdrawing feet.
Feeling too chilly & no means of getting warm this eve, I got out of Took-too bed went to the ledges about here & got warm by running about.  Nothing like exercise at the right time & under proper circumstances.  The only good I got of this was a warm body - for a short time.

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[[note]] 9 Pages in this Day's Record [[/note]]

15th Enc.  5th Day  28th Day Out.
Thursday, Sept 5th 1861

AM  S.E.  light (cold), cloudy.  Last night snow opposite mounts covered
M   S.E.  Light  Cloudy
PM  S.E.  " [[ditto for: Light]] Cool Pleasant.

The mountains of Kin-gaite are [[underlined]] white [[/underlined]] with their Winter's garb this morning.  This reminds me that I cannot much longer delay here for the object of getting [[symbol: circumpunct]] for Lat. & Time (Long.)
I feel indeed unfit to move, so sick am I.  Last night was one of pains & groans.  My limbs were full of excrutiating pain.  But all is for the best.
Tide at its highest this Morn.
hXII-m17 (Cho) or rather it should be put down.  hO-m17 uncorrected G.T.  Apparent Time at this Point hVII-m17 [[underlined]] high water [[/underlined]] this Morning from wh. I can deduce Time of high water here at full & change of Moon.