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[[Note: left margin blue vertical line to end of page]]
Another terrible night of struggle with pains! When shall I be well again?
The Fine weather of to-day has improved it [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] some. God be praised.
This Morning at an early hour I was up. I might as well have been up all night - for tho' down on a soft Took-too bed & dry, yet I could get no sweet sleep.
When tide was up sufficient to set the boat afloat I got Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo to ferry me across the river that I might visit the peculiar sight wh. ^[[had been]] [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] constantly staring me in my face during my 5 days stop at 15th Enc. [[underlined in blue]] I visited that phenomenon [[/underlined in blue]] - I mounted it - & went around it also. It is a mountain of solid fossils! Over 1/2 mile long & 100 feet high. It presents something of this appearance.
[[image:  drawing of mountain annotated with the words "Plain", (A), Rounded]]
The long line of Kin-gaite mounts behind stretching away to the [[underlined in blue]] Gate Way [[/underlined in blue]] N.W.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Note: right margin vertical blue line to bottom of page]]
The debris of the fossils begins ]]strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] at or near the top of the mt. falling at ^[[such]] an angle as broken stone from a mountain always makes [[in blue]] ^[[ [an inclination of about 40[[degree symbol]] ] ]] H. [[/in blue]] The top, or along the edge between the 2 heavy black lines, presents the solid mass of fossils strata like [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] is a smaller Mt. of same character (that is) of fossils all in debris - it seems to have been divided from Main by the rushing down of waters from the mountains behind. A small stream comes down the mts. & passes along behind & makes its way bet. the 2 Mts. of fossils. [[strikethrough]] wh. breaks [[/strikethrough]] This is also indicated in the course of this stream as [[strikethrough]] several acres [[/strikethrough]] an acre or more of the plain is [[strikethrough]] [[?]]] [[/strikethrough]] covered several feet in depth by the washed down debris of fossil. I [[strikethrough]] ^[[had]] [[/strikethrough]] picked up several specimens & have them with me. The top of ^[[Fossil]] Mt. [[in blue]] ^[[is]] [[/in blue]] covered with boulder[[in blue]] ^[[s]] [[/in blue]] [[strikethrough with blue]] Stones [[/strikethrough with blue]] & grass.
Even when close to the small Mt "A" [[in blue]] ^[[it]] [[/in blue]] looks like sand, but on examination find broken fossil. Having spent two hours on & around [[strikethrough]] this ^[[long]] to me still more curious Mt. [[/strikethrough]] [[in blue]] ^[[this interesting mount]] [[/in blue]] I made 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts and add strikethroughs, other small changes