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good a state for man's food as tho' it had not been used for [[underlined]] fish [[/underlined]] bait!
By this time, we had been carried along near a small island wh. is a mile from 14th Enc. It seemed ^[[not]] much a matter of choice wh. side of the Island to make our course - the tide seemed quite as favorable ^[[on one side as the other]] for helping us on. As we looked at land [[in blue and underlined]] ^[[near]] [[/in blue and underlined]] us Suzhy ([[in blue]] Koo-ou-le-arny [[/in blue]]) called my attention to the swiftness of the run of tide saying with a sweeping motion of her hand: [[underlined]] pe-e-uke! [[/underlined]] meaning, it was good - ^[[- first rate -]] or capital in helping along. Those three at the pulling oars apparently had great cause to feel glad in their hearts for the relief it gave them.  I felt as if tide & many other considerations were favoring us.
But how soon was our pleasant voyaging ^[[on the Head waters of Frobisher Bay]] changed to a terrible scene! [[underlined]] Not five minutes [[/underlined]] after the happy remark of Susy, we were all ^[[(4)]] struggling with all our powers for our lives! God helped us in this time of peril - & we are still 
[[end page]]
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[[strikethrough]] pre [[/strikethrough]] served.  A thankful heart is mine.
I have made the remark a few lines previous, ^[[or signified the same that I am about ^[[to say]] ]] that two courses seemed to [[strikethrough]] appear [[/strikethrough]] be equally favorable for us to take in passing a[[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] small Island 1 mile from 14th Enc. On standing up, however, & looking ahead, this opinion was changed. I saw that rocks began to peer out in the channel bet. Island & Main land, the channel being to the right of Island as we were directed.
The waters on the left seemed all right, therefore I steered that course. The oars (3) [[in blue]] ^[[ [beside the long steering oar] ]] [[/in blue]] were being plied moderately - we were gliding finely - [[underlined]] swiftly [[/underlined]] along. All at once, 1/2 mile ahead, shoals appeared [[underlined]] right in our course! [[/underlined]] & above, quite above the water's surface!
Looking as we [[in blue]] ^[[we]] [[/in blue]] [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]] at once did over the side of the Boat to see if we could see bottom. What did we behold! The 1st thought in [[strikethrough]] wa [[/strikethrough]] my mind ^[[was]] [[underlined]] we are lost! [[/underlined]] for here we were going at a mill-race speed with the 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts and add some strikethroughs