Viewing page 361 of 661

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D. out
meant all the time that it was the tide rushing out. I did not understand how tarrio ^[[(sea)]] could be making such a [[underlined]] roar [[/underlined]] but by heavy sea beating on the shoals on c^[[o]]asts about here. A dear lesson have I learned;  but "There's nothing like experience".
It will be recollected that I doubted Koo-jes-se on the day we left 12th Enc. & crossed the Head of Frobisher Bay for this place [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] the 13th, now our 16th Encampment when he told me that we could not then (the time I was speaking to him about going to Ag-goun instead of place 13 Enc) proceede there (to A.) on account low water. I must give up that he (K) was right.  I learned that much that I was ready to acknowledge my opinion wrong at the sight before me at ^[[1st]] low tide [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] after arriving at Aggoun.
[[left margin blue vertical line to end of page]]
I see now why the Innuits all dreaded & hold back so about going to Ag-goun.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
D. out
[[to right]]
on 33[[feet symbol]] - 15[[inch symbol]]
off 30[[feet symbol]] - [[?]] [[inch symbol]]
2) 3-30
[[/to right]]
Index Error
Observ " [[strikethrough]] Rescue ^[["Preservation - 1[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]] ]] Island"
VIII - 15-20 44-30
16-43 15 [[line]] 58 [[/line]]
18-09 44-00
Channel as we go to 16th (13) Enc.
[[Note: left margin, bracket with tics marks to bottom of page]]
[[right margin bracket]]
19-00 [[sun symbol]] to left hand side 89[[degree symbol]] - 12[[feet symbol]] 
20-50 [[strikethrough]] [[sun symbol]] same [[/strikethrough]] 43-30VIII-22-05 [[sun symbol]] to same 89-53
[[/right margin bracket]]
23-20 [[sun symbol]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] wrong - my reading ^[[ [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Veri[[?]] ]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough and boxed]] 90-30 [[/strikethrough and boxed]] [[encircled]] (?)24-35 [[sun symbol]] [[underlined]] [[line]] This [[/underlined]] I think ^[[correct]] [[strikethrough]] 90-35 ]
| 90 35 ]
26-00 [[sun symbol]] - 90-50
VIII-28-20 42[[degree symbol]] - 05[[feet symbol]] 
[[right margin vertical and boxed]] 
AZ Comp. Bearing
to said point 145 1/2
reversed 328[[degree symbol]]
[[/right margin vertical and boxed]]
36-36 40-30
VIII-37-32 [[sun symbol]] Same 93-32[[feet symbol]]
38-57 [[sun symbol]] " [[ditto for: same]] 93-51
40-17 [[sun symbol]] " [[ditto for: same]] 94-09
41-20 39[[degree symbol]] - 35[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]] 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts, strikethroughs and complete transcription