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1861 Sep 8 [[symbol: Cross]]
16th Enc. 3d day 31st Day out

of my numerous & particular friends & patrons who came forward with their hands, hearts & purses in the object of my mission North.  But Henry Grinnell was my first conferree - was [[underlined]] the-heart-&-soul-auxilliary of my enthusiastic-Soul in the Work I embarked! [[/underlined]]
His purse was [[underlined]] freely [[/underlined]] opened before I had a chance to solicit it of him - all - more than I could hope for from one [[underlined]] was given. [[/underlined]]  A deficiency of outfit in way of clothing, ammunition &c on account the smallness of funds to obtain then, he, [[underlined]] Henry Grinnell [[/underlined]] continued to the moment of my departure with open purse!  Had it not been for him, the Work I now have done would have remained undone, perhaps other Centuries.  I work with the bright hope that Henry Grinnel will be pleased with what I have done - not forgetting in this that my Cincinnati & other friends are precious to me too.  I work to please them also.  Receiving the approbation of one, I feel all to be gratified.

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[[note]] 4 Pages in this Day's Record [[/note]]

1861 Sep 8 [[symbol: Cross]]
16th Enc. 3d day 31st Day out

At Meridian it commenced snowing!  A regular Nor Wester.  It has snowed all the P.M. [[?smartly]].  It so continues, IX PM.  
Koo-per-neu-ung started out near noon on a Took-too hunt.  Now the three men Innuits out.  Had Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo been here this Morn at high tide, should perhaps have started & made the island down at the entrance to this Harbor, tho' I feel to stop here till I can visit opposite side this Harbor on the Islands there & get some good sights & angles - especially from & about 12th Encampment.
I am keeping quiet as possible that I may recover.  I feel sorry to see the prevailing storm of Wind & Snow, but mortals do not make the Weather.  It is their duty to enjoy whatever is.