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[[note]] 21 Pages in this Day's Record. [[/note]]

33d day out  16th Encampment 5th Day
Tuesday, Sept 10 1861

AM  N.W.  Fresh & Cold - Cloudy [[symbol: circumpunct]] out now & then
M   N.W.  Light Cloudy
PM  S.E.  Fresh  Thick Clouds Cold

Another Morning has come - & the hunters still out!  They deserve a severe thrashing wh. is the only remedy I can think of for their [[underlined]] selfish [[/underlined]] Independence.
I know not when I have felt so much & so often like administering physical chastisement as I have on this voyage.  Moral suasion with these creatures is entirely out of the question.  [[underlined]] Force & severity [[/underlined]] with them on the very first infraction of reasonable rule or law, would soon bring them within the pale of Civilization!  So I feel now.
As it is, I must submit to anything & [[underlined]] everything [[/underlined]] in way of gratification t these unruly people.  I am surprised that [[underlined]] Koo-jes-se [[/underlined]] should treat me so.  I indulged the hope that he was

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1861 Sept 10 Tues.
16th Enc. 5th D 33D. out.

tinctured with enough of Civilization, he having spent several months in the States, a few years ago, (being taken there by Capt S.O. Budington's unkle) that he would act the [[underlined]] manly [[/underlined]] part with me;  but I find it otherwise!  He, like the other 2, acts [[underlined]] the savage! [[/underlined]]
My mind often recurs to my sledge journey down to the "Extreme" Land bet. Frobisher Bay & Rescue Bay last Winter - to the analogous treatment I received there occasionally from this same Kood-loo I now have - & [[underlined]] Ebierbing. [[/underlined]]  I regret to have to associate this latter name with so worthless an Innuit ([[underlined]] worthless [[/underlined]] to me) as Kood-loo.  But never can I forget how these two Innuits purposed to turn back for Rescue Harbor on the next day after our arrival to the [[underlined]] last [[/underlined]] encampment but one, [[underlined]] near the Extreme. [[/underlined]]  I told Ebierbing & Kood-loo I could not think of returning till I had visited the