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1861 Sept 10 Tues
16th Enc 5th D 33d D out

16th encampment presents the same appearance as the Harbor when tide is out tho' mostly the latter's bottom is of fine sand.
The banks of these rivers are of [[underlined]] fine sand [[/underlined]] - the Banks in some places 50 or 60 feet high.  As I was passing from a remarkable Sand Hill E. of the entrance of the small river to the Bay looking ahead of me, I saw to my surprise two Innuits approaching me.  Each having their necks thickly enveloped in took-too skins - a pack of the same on their shoulders & guns in hand.  I even made out who they were - Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo - returning from their 5 days hunt.  We soon met - Koo-jes-se was so fatigued that he could hardly speak.  They threw off their packs of skins & Ood-noo & sat down to have a chat with me as well as to rest.  Their 1st call was for To-bacco - I had not a speck with me - to their great disappointment.  Poor fellows, they had been without a "smoke or chew" for two days - & their sufferings

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1861 Sept 10th Tues
16th Enc 5th D 33 D out

were indeed great.  Thus Civilization habits are adopted by these Innuits wh. become a matter of great annoyance to them when their tobacco is all gone & no way of immediate replenishment of their stock.
I found that Koo-jes-se had the skins of 4 Took-too.  Kood-loo had 3.
[[strikethrough]] Five [[/strikethrough]] ^[[*Four]] days & [[strikethrough]] four [[/strikethrough]] ^[[*three]] nights out for these 7 skins! - ascending mountains, wading rivers - sleeping out in snow storms.  Wet clothing without any spare, - these Innuits surely [[underlined]] Work [[/underlined]] for their winter's protection.
[[note]] * [[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] p5 of Sept 6th when I left K. & K. after leaving 15th Enc. Hall N.Y. Apr. 21st/64 [[/note]]

Koo-jes-se says Kood-loo has killed, in all, of wh. he has the skins . 15
That he (Ke.) has 12
Koo-per-neu-ung  10
This makes total - 37

Perhaps by this time K. who is not yet in has made up the no. to round 40!