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1861 Sept 10 Tues
16th Enc 5th D 33 day out

of his load tho' I found it quite as much of a task to move along my feeble body as I wanted over the hills, Mt &c in my course, so I took one of his largest skins & trudged on continuing my survey or discovery trip, keeping my direction good for rivers & sand plains while K. & K. re-shouldered their packs & made direct for 16th Enc.  When I met Koo-jes-se & Kood-loo, the former had one of his feet bound up in took-too fur.  I thought he had met with some severe accident to his limb - but found on pushing my enquiries that the only matter was that his native Boot had given out in its sole, that the fur bandages answered for the repair in continuing it still [[underlined]] Water & rock [[/underlined]] Proof!
Coming to the smaller river which comes from toward the N. I wanted to pass it & make the land bet. it & the large one, - but I found too much water near & about where I was for fording - so I passed along up its e. bank to find some more favorable spot for crossing it.  
At length after making 1/2 a mile up I came to where I thought it best to make trial - I made it & succeeded though not without spending much time & running some risks.  The only way I accomplished the passage was by following a ridge of boulders that were somewhat akimbo of the course of the river.  
My track across is represented thus -
[[image: drawing of track annotated]]
Return crossing
Sand Hill
Going out camping

- the boulders were covered with water running swiftly - & they were covered by a green, slippery slime which made them treacherous for stepping stones!  But I arrived to the Bank a long way up from the point