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[[note]] 13 Pages of this day's record [[/note]]

35 Day out = 17th Enc.
Thursday, Sept 12th 1861

AM  W.  Fresh - cloudy & cold
M   W.  " " " [[dittos for: Fresh - cloudy & cold]]
P.M. W.  " " " [[dittos for: Fresh - cloudy & cold]]

This Morning, in accordance to purpose even as tide was up sufficient to admit, we left 16th (place of 13th) Encampment, Homeward bound, down by way Kin-gaite side.
Koo-per-neu-ung had according to word that he left with some one of the Innuit taken Ki-a & made on down to the other party wherever they were.  So this obviated any delay awaiting for him.  While the company were striking tupiks & re-loading Boat I took following Bearings & Sextant sights.

Last [[symbol: Sun]] Marked Mt on Island left side Channel going down  [[checkmark]] 175° [[checkmark]]
{Island where we put in on being driven back by Gale & shoals yesterday  
{Rt. Tangent  [[checkmark]] 203° [[checkmark]]
{Lt. " [[ditto for: Tangent]]  [[checkmark]] 215° [[checkmark]]
[[note]] { One mile distant [[/note]]
[[note]] See obs book pp151 152 [[/note]]

Peak of Mt. where I made Obs yesterday on Island, opposite side Harbor (This Peak Distant 3 miles from 16th Enc.)  [[checkmark]] 232° [[checkmark]]
[[note]] See p5 [[?]] See p11(A) [[/note]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 Sept 12th Thurs
17th Enc. 35 D. out

Sextant Angles taken 16 Enc.
[[symbol: Sun]] Marked Mt. [[image: drawing of mountain and sun]] of Island

Left side (& short distance from said Channel) Channel going down carried E. & N. to Peak of Mt opposite side harbor where I made Obs yesterday  [[checkmark]] 57°-12' [[checkmark]]
Said Peak of yesterday's Obs. carried to Lt. to Ex of Island by Channel we entered to come to 16th Enc.   73°-02' [[checkmark]]
Width of Channel Ex of Isd to Kingaite side  8°-17' [[checkmark]]
Last [[symbol: Sun]] Marked Mt [[image: drawing of mountain and sun]] carried to Rt. to highest Pt. of Isd. by Channel to go out  27°-10' [[checkmark]]
"Highest Peak in the Distance" down on Kingaite range carried to Peak of Isd Mt. where I made obs yesterday  86°-02' [[checkmark]]
Base of Ex land Rt hand side Channel going down (1/3 mile off) carried Lt. to Peak of Obs. of yesterday  87°-57' [[checkmark]]
Said Peak of Obs. carried to Kingaite side channel we entered to make 16th Enc  81°-33' [[checkmark]]
[[note]] See pp150 & 151 Obs book]]