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1861 Sept 12 Thurs
17th Enc  35 D out

Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a Bluff that is highest Peak  [[checkmark]] 207°
General trend of land Kin-gaite coast from channel to said Dist Peak on same dist below as from channel to this Obn Isd. = N. & S. by B. Com
Coast (depth) from island in wh. I make these Obs = 1 mile

Here on this Isd. I find circles of stones
Stones in position to shield sleeping Innuits! bones of animals - graves &c.
An Ook-gook shot at by one of the 2 K or Koodloo while I was up on the Isd. 
Passed after getting thru channel bet. it & this Isd many Islets
Wind blowing in gusts - A snow storm prevails up the small Bay leading to the 2 rivers.
No Sun for Merid. Obs.
A bank of long white cloud overhanging us - the sky to the West clear
Snow storm ahead on the Mts of the Peak in Dist & toward Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a
hV-m48 (Chro) Report at our right of a gun prob. of the other party to call us to them.

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1861 Sept 12 Thurs
17 Enc  35 D out

Now at our right commences of another Sand bank.
V-50 another gun!  My health better this Morn.  Spirits good!  Boat well down.  The took-too skins (green) make [[underlined]] weight [[/underlined]] & great bulk - but little room to turn!  V-54 another gun!  Kood-loo loading to respond sulphuriously
hV-m55 our gun!
Heavy shower of snow other side Bay
hVI-m00 commence with 3 oars.  VI-03 Breeze commences again - 2 more guns ahead!  "Nei-skuk" (name of pup) now cause of much sport.  Kood-loo has put it up in a kind of hammock in the main sail - a funny looking sight causing great sport to the crew.  This little "favorite" found its way into my bed last night.  Waked up & found it warmly nested at my back - quite a warm adjunct to a cold blooded pale-face!
The other side of Bay & good part its