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1861 Sept 12 Ths
17 Enc  35 Dy out

termination now in full view.
Hope to get soon capital sights at our next Enc.  [[underlined]] Thanks be to God, [[/underlined]] I begin to feel myself again!  
hVI-m15 (Chro) two Ki-as sighted at our Rt. approaching us.  The "Sand banks", 1/2 mile off - probably the 'White' after all that I saw from 12 Enc wh. is in full view.  My Bearings of it wh. I took at 12 Enc will tell this.  hVI-m21 Koo-per-neu-ung & Koje-e-o ("Dick") each with Ki-a alongside.  One wheels in to our right our to lt.  Koo-per-neu-ung the one of my crew has 3 Nowyers on his Ki-a
Now our sails carry us along finely & keep the Ki-a in tow.
Koo-per-neu-ung has killed one Took-too since leaving on his hunt excursion.  This makes in all 38 Took-too of my 3 hunters.
The Sand bank of fine sand apparently.  It makes a small plain foot of the Mts - is 20

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1861 Sept 12 Ths
17th Enc  35 D out

or 25 feet above high water.
No bays or Inlets from small Bay leading up to Two Rivers down to present (17th Enc.)  Kind of gradual circling in & out from Channel to Mts opposite side of Channel bet. this Isd. & Kin-gaite.
At hVII-00 (Chro) begin passing Island or Islands at our left the trend now N.E. & S.W. by B Comp.  S point close by much of the brick red stone.  Kin-gaite coast 1 mile off.  I find every now & then interspersed bet. the [[?Mist/Mts]] of Kin-gaite Sand banks.
A large flock of Nowyers over precipitous part of this brick-red Island.  One poor crow among them.  The cry of the Innuits every time the Nowyers "pitch in" & powers down a Crow.  As Nowyer makes contact the cry is 'At-te'!
hVII-m45 Even with end (L. end) said Isd.
hVII-m53  Termination of another Isd that is but