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1861 Sept 13 Fri
17th Enc. 2d D 36 D out

plastered into form as described - a bit at a time.
Gale ceased 4-30 P.M.  The weather looks fine this eve but the clouds hug Kin-gaite Mts. wh. indicates otherwise than good weather.  We resume Voyage to-morrow Morning.
O that I had had a set of white men - [[underlined]] any set of men civilized - humanized [[/underlined]] with me on this Voyage.  Then I could have accomplished something that would have been satisfactory to me in after life.  I mean in reviewing my Work done here when at Home.
The Island on wh. we are on is 1/3 mile long & 1/8 wide about 1 mile from Cape & 1 1/2 or 2 from the Mt Peak I called Peak in distance when at 16th Enc.  The relics of Innuits here.  Took-too tracks here & there over the Island.

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18th Enc. 37th Day out
Saturday Sept. 14th 1861

AM  S.E.  Fresh  Thick clouds & Cold
M   S.E.  Snow  Storm - wind strong
PM  S E   Modt  Cloudy

Up early & getting in readiness to start tho' the weather indicates a storm.
I feel that this is a point - say from Kin-gaite Mountains - that good sights would be of great use.  I wish here or near here to determine Lat. but to do it correctly must have Sun.  This I cannot have to-day as the weather I think will not be favorable.

I here copy from my "Rough & ready"
Start 0h-m15 (XII-15 Chro) hVII-m15 AM
As we start I ask Koo-jes-se if he is not going across the Channel & let me go to Kin-gaite Mts & take sights?
He shakes his head with sour looks & says 'No! - Low water - wind blows hard - get on the rocks &c. &c.!