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1861 Sept 14 Sat.
18 Enc 37 D. out

At V-45 stop at a small Island - to displace some of the things to get a place to dip water out of Boat.
Last our final stop hVI-m30 to make 18 Enc. on account snow storm!  Espied the tupiks of Miner & Co. some minutes before arrived wh. were already up.

Copy of Log.  Course
0h mChro
1-00 (9)
Start IV-25
Stop V-45 (10)
Start VI-00
Stop VI 30 (8)
18th Enc.

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[[start page]]

1861 Sept 14 Sat.
18th Enc 37 D. out

The broken wing of poor Nowyer!
Koo-per-neu-ung shot a Nowyer on the wing (broke one wing only) crossing to the point where he & I left the Boat - down it came slap - but did not stop to get it the but 3 only [[?farther]] off.  Thus Innuits shoot game & abandon it - like Pemmican tho!  
The snow storm ceased at V-30 this eve leaving a fair sky westward for half an hour when the whole heavens became clouded again.
Here we are all to-gether in a space on circle of 40 feet diameter - 5 Tupiks. 
I took my tea to-night with good Twer-oong & her winga Koo-ter-e-ung.  They shared with me in this Civilization dish, (for in the tea was molasses & soaked Sea-bread) & I shared with them in Cooked Nowyers & Soup!  In drinking soup I followed Innuit custom of taking one 's-o-u-p' & passing on the dish!  Soon as the round was made, again it came to me - & so it went, till 's-o-u-p-i-n-g' material was exhausted.  It is probable Koo-ter-ne-ung (Mr Miner) & his Company will depart from my Co.