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1861 Sept 15 [[symbol: Cross]]
19 Enc. Same as 9th 
38th Day out

to the ship - [[underlined]] if I ever do. [[/underlined]]  I must say that I believe my life is in danger - but God is with me here & everywhere - if I die at the hands of this treacherous people I die in faith that I am in the performance of my duty.  God deliver me from such scenes as I have witnessed among the men Innuits I have with me.  Consultations - [[underlined]] Savage [[/underlined]] looks - are now & then to be seen.
The sooner I am back the better.  There may be a day when I can again enter this Bay to do the Work for wh. I engaged my present Company - but it will have to be with a Company of [[underlined]] Civilized [[/underlined]] men!
h2-m00 Chro - Now crossing toward a long, high Island that trends same direction of Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a.  The Head of Frobisher Bay not seen the sea (on [[?west]] of the Bay) being the horizon.
A remarkable sand *or fossil Island Mt by Kingaite side 2 miles at our right being W.N.W. by B. Compass at h2-m00 Chro.  I cannot determine its 

[[note]] (*See original in silver plate Book Vol.1) [[/note]]

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1861 Sept 15 [[symbol: Cross]]
19 Enc. Same as 9th 
38th D out

true nature by "spy".
A line of Islands seen (thrown across the Bay from Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a to Kin-gaite side) trend - I will soon determine & make record of it.
Snow storm continued but few minutes - very cloudy - Sun shining occasionally on the Mts each side of Bay.
Till h4-m10 Chro 4 miles per h. - 1 1/2 miles made from 4-10 to V-10 on account of sweeping head tide coming up Bet. the Islands in line with Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a.
Stop hV-m10 Chro on an Island after passing through channel the Island of the group running from Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a to Kin-gaite.

18th Enc. bears Az C. [[checkmark]] 40°
Cape where killed deer  24°
17th Enc.  14° (?)
Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a a portion as seen mid tops of Islands bet. it & one on  [[checkmark]] 320°