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20th Enc. 39th day out. W. side entrance to Big Sound
Monday, Sept. 16th 1861

AM  S E  Strong  Cloudy - thick clouds
M   S E  " " " " [[dittos for: Strong  Cloudy - thick clouds]]
PM  S.E. Snow storm

Obs on an Island by 19th Enc.

Point or Place where we stopped yesterday.
Island of Ob. in line with Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a  [[checkmark]] 28°
Bearing of 19th Enc. exact spot 1/2 mile off  [[checkmark]] 313°
Bluff (N end) Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a seen over the Mtn by the Bay near 19th Enc  [[checkmark]] 340°
Lt Tangent Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a  [[checkmark]] 351°
Place across big Bay where we made 8th Enc. before crossing the entrance to said Bay  [[checkmark]] 219°

Sextant Angles
[[symbol: circumpunct]] Marked Mt. of yesterday P.M. on Kin-gaite side carried to Ex Land seen S. on S.W. side (Kin-gaite side)  51-45
Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a head of it or Bluff (N. End) carried to left to [[symbol: circumpunct]] Marked Mt on Kingaite side - 57°-19' + 61°-41 = 119°-00
[[symbol: circumpunct]] Marked Mt carried to left to sharp Peaked Mt down Kingaite side = 50°-00

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1861 Sept 16 Mon
20th Enc 39th Day out

Obs. by 19th Enc continued

Az Compass bearing S. termination of line of Islands across from Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a [[checkmark]] 106°
Point of Further side of the Bay surrounded by red Mts that we passed as we came to 19th Enc.  This Bay terminates (the E. side) near 19th Enc. [[checkmark]] 344°
To commencement (W side) of Sound on big Bay soon to pass [[checkmark]] 258°
Big Island (centre) Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a No1 [[checkmark]] 163°
Rt. Tang. long Island (or group) that extends down toward Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a No1 [[checkmark]] 168°
Lt. Tang.  197
These Islands (or Island) commence from appearance other side or near Big Bay yet to cross.
The Cape where Koo-per-neu-ung killed last Rein-deer (as Compass set by Koo-jes-se) 6° (?)
18th Enc.  26°

Sextant angle
[[symbol: circumpunct]] Marked Mt of yesterday (Kin-gaite side) to Highest (about middle) Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a No1 - [[checkmark]] 67°-00'