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1861 Sept 16 Mon
20th Enc  39 D out

Obs continued, Made near 19th Enc.

[[underlined]] Az Compass bearings [[/underlined]]
Point across Big Bay on course  231°
Aboard XII-45  Almost froze fingers in making above Obs.  They now smart [[underlined]] stingingly! [[/underlined]]  Saw a grey fox on the Island just left - it made from us trippingly.
Started from 19th Enc (same place as 9th) Noo-okk too-all-lo XII-10 but time to commence when I & Koo-jes-se got aboard h0 (Chro) XII-m45 (hVII-45 AM)
Under sail wind strong S.E.
Sea rough.  The Islands on Kin-gaite side cease for a while (say from [[underlined]] present [[/underlined]] appearances) with the group across from Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a No 3, the one nearest Head of Fr. Bay
A line of Islands shoot out from this side of Big Bay we are soon to pass.  No snow on the Islands of Fr. Bay.  The Sea so great that I & Koo-jes-se had much trouble to jump aboard when we came down from the mountain Island.
Stop h1-m40 Chro 20th Enc.! on an Island W side entrance to the Large Sound on a/c of the strong wind heavy sea & thrashing beats of the weather.  Boat shipped much water in passing the short distance we have made from 19th Enc.

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1861 Sept 16 Mon
20 Enc  39 D out

Obn made on Landing (Isd 20th Enc) awaiting the coming up of the other boat.
[[symbol: circumpunct]] Marked Mt. on Kingaite side ([[symbol: circumpunct]] marked yesterday P.M.)  Az Compass  [[checkmark]] 95°
Peak Mt of Island on wh. I & Koo-jes-se was on one hour since  [[checkmark]] 77°

As we cannot cross Large Bay by wh. we are now encamped (20th Enc.) for the reason of high wind, "White Caps" &c both Boats & parties are to remain here to-day & to-night.  A Storm is upon us.  
Not a chance for a single observation for Lat. since Leaving 16th Enc.!  Too bad, but all right.
Koo-per-neu-ung shot a rabbit this P.M. on the Island - a beautiful looking animal with its winter dress on.  Snow white fur.  Last eve he shot one or two (two I believe yesterday) Nowyers.  The number of these game birds my party (of 3 hunters) has killed