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1861 Sept 16 Mon
20th Enc  39 Day out

I do not know - [[underlined]] it is large however. [[/underlined]]
To-night Twer-oong sent her winga in to me with a generous dish of cooked Nowyers.  This woman - quite sick herself - is very kind to me.  She has stolen away many a pang that would otherwise have clung to me.  I made & exchange this P.M. with Old Allokee of some tobacco for some dried took-too meat.  I deeply regret the poor health I have had & have on this voyage.  My blood must be bad.  It needs the investigation & remidies of of my good friend Dr O.E. Newton of Cincinnati, O.
A snow storm is now upon us - it may continue & keep us here longer than to-day.  I have concluded to write my Notes in pencil transcribing when I get aboard.  I am unable in my present health to do otherwise.  (To-day, Tues 17th, in 20th Enc 2d day from snow storm, I really go to transcribing & am nearly thro' tho much exhausted by the effort.)
The Island long & high Island that stretches directly across the Sound by wh. Sound (the

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1861 Sept 16 Mon
20th Enc  39 Day out

entrance to it) is called Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a by the Innuits - (Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a No 2 I term it) the one nearest Head Frobisher Bay No 5 - one towards entrance Fr. Bay No 1.  The No 1 is seen from here lifting its high far off Peak from Centre F. Bay.  
"Kou-o-lik-tune is the Innuit name of this Sound & land around it particular at the head of it.
The parties obtained their skins & dried Took-too meat they left on deposite at 9th (19th Enc) Enc.  A large lot of Tood-noo was also obtained.  It was done up in the stomach skin of the took-too - Said Paunch having still much of the contents within it as when deer was killed.  The Tood-noo covered with said contents (greenish) seems to give it fine flavor making it go with great [[underlined]] relish with Innuits! [[/underlined]]  I care not for a trial of this dish!  At 19th (9 Enc) left my reindeer Antlers wh. I intend taking home with me.
The dogs had disfigured them so much, gnawing off