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1861 Sept 16 Mon
20th Enc  39 Day out

Start from 19th Enc 0h XII-m45
Stop 20th Enc. h1-m40 (6) on Island by entrance to Big Bay, W. side.  
Too much wind & Heavy Sea.

[[line across page]]

20th Enc. 2d day - 40th day out.
Tuesday Sept 17th 1861

AM  S.S.E.  Snow storm  Mod. wind
M  S.S.E.  " " " " [[dittos for: Snow storm  Mod. wind]]
PM  N.E.  " " [[dittos for: Snow storm]] Fresh " [[ditto for: wind]]

No thought of resuming voyage down the Bay on seeing the weather & indications this Morning.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 Sept 17th Tues.
20th Enc. 2d day  40th Day out

Winter has finally begun just as Winter had ended.
Now VI O'Clock P.M. & still snowing - the wind now N.E.  I have just returned from a walk (or a dragging one's self) to the top of the highest point of the Island.  I carried a tupik as the Innuits term it over my head that is an umbrella wh. serves me much in keeping wind & snow at bay.
The weather all around has uncheering looks.  At the rate we have voyaged it since leaving Ag-goun head of Fr. Bay, I will fail in getting back before the "George Henry" leaves for the States.  I shall deplore this sadly as it will cut me off from the Voyage I wish [[underlined]] to prepare [[/underlined]] for during that Winter - [[underlined]] the postponed voyage to the North, [[/underlined]] setting out next Spring.  But fair weather & favorable breeze may soon come again