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1861 Sat. Sept. 28th

At an early hour I was up this Morning as I found all were astir getting ready for cruising for Whales.
As day breaks, breakfast is in readiness for the Ship's Company that every moment may be employed in seeking a sight of "Black Skin" - & making every possible exertion of getting [[underlined]] fast [[/underlined]] to it.
After breakfast, I made a call on my good & noble friend Tuk-oo-li-too taking my Boat as conveyance with a part of the Innuits (who were with me on my Frobisher Bay Excursion) as crew.  The place of the Tupiks is but 1/6 of a mile from the ship therefore the ride was brief.
I asked some one on landing for Ebierbing's Tupik - it was pointed out to me & away I hastened.  I entered without "ringing" or "knocking at the door" - I found Jennie Kood-loo's nooliana (wife) there to welcome me.  She was highly pleased

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1861 Sept 28 Sat

to see me again.  On enquiring for Tuk-oo-li-too found that I was not in Ebierbing's but Kood-loo's Tupik - that his (E's) was the one beyond.  Spending a few minutes here I departed & made my way to my Innuit children's Home.  As I entered my eyes for an instant only were on a female's face - I thought it could not be Tuk-oo-li-too's tho' I was not certain, for I only had a glance of it.  One look at me & the face which I beheld was buried in hands trembling with excitement.
It was Tuk-oo-li-too overwhelmed in tears on beholding me again!  The tears sprang unbidden to my eyes as I felt the strong attachment which must exist in the breasts of her who was now before me - & him (Ebierbing) who came over late last night to the vessel to see & welcome me back again.  Minutes of silence, save the gushing of gladness through tears, intervened before