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(24 Pages in this day's Record)
1861 Oct 2 Wedns

The consultation to-night with Capt B. after he had turned in on his "down".  After asking & ascertaining at [[underlined]] what time [[/underlined]] the "George Henry" would start for Home, I asked Capt. B. if he thought I could make up a proper crew of Innuits to make a trip to Oo-pung-ne-wing & places important about there as I desired to return up there & continue the work I had [[underlined]] just [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] as it were [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] commenced [[/underlined]] as it were as I was obliged to leave?  He answered affirmatively.  I told him I thought it [[underlined]] my duty [[/underlined]] to go there from the development of certain facts learned since returning to the vessel - furthermore on returning from there I wished to explore the South side of the land between Rescue Bay & Frobisher Bay from Ik-er-hi-suk-ju-a (Lupton Channel) to the "Extreme".  To this latter proposition he dissented from the view he considerately took of it that being so exposed to the heavy, open sea [[underlined]] & at this season of the year, [[/underlined]] he though it [[underlined]] injudicious to attempt it. [[/underlined]]  He thought it running quite risk enough to make a voyage back to "Countess of Warwick's Sound".  Even in this, I might loose the boat;  but there was this alternative that if I & the Innuits did not loose our lives with it (the Boat) we could make our way over the land, to the opposite (West) side of "Rescue Bay" - raise a signal & thus be saved by a boat from the "George Henry" coming after us.
On the morrow Capt. B. & myself confer about making up crew.  How I am blessed by so good a friend.

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Thursday, [[strikethrough]] Sept. [[/strikethrough]] *Oct. 3 1861
[[note]] *This change made Aug 20/63 Hall [[/note]]

AM  24  N.W.  Fresh  Cloudy
M   29° N.W.  " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy]]
P.M. 25° N.W.  " [[ditto for: Fresh]]  Fair  Aurora

I have been thinking nearly the night long of the relic seen by Ar-tark-pa-ru & Ko-ou-le-ung ("Susy") on the Island Oo-pung-ne-wing.
Tuk-oo-li-too thinks from Kuo-ou-le-ung's ("Susy's") description that its color is red - from this I think it is Copper.  But another incident makes me conclude that it is a Ship's bell!  Tuk-oo-li-too, as she was describing it to me - trying to have me understand its shape - stooped down, as mentioned in yesterday's record, & by an inverted, circular & somewhat bell-like shaped kettle that was by us, endeavored to explain it, as being like, in some (here comes in to the main Cabin this very moment V-00 AM at break of day good old Artarkparu - I