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1861 Oct 3 Thurs

Village - a distance of 1/4 mile.  After climbing rough rocks, traversing snow banks & sliding down ice plains, came to the point of our visit.  The illuminated, numerous tupiks (12) all around us reminded me of a Village in the States in the evening.  The sight one bespeaking cheerfulness, contentment - happiness - even here, amid mountains of rock & Snow - in regions almost perpetually cold & stormy.
We found Shev-ek-koo's tupik & entered it.  15 minutes spent with him terminated on his agreeing to accompany me to Oo-pung-ne-wing as one of my crew.  Thence we went to one of the Innuuits' tupiks who recently came from "Northumberland Inlet" - his name Ook-sing.  After a long talk he also [[?]] go.  By the by, our 1st call in this village on Ar-tark-pa-ru.  Found that [[?]] retired - sick!  So here [[underlined]] Obstacle No1 [[/underlined]] to [[?]] to-morrow the time intended - I [[?]] made my engagements with the balance [[?]] to start day following - (Saturday).  If A. [[?]]

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1861 Oct 3 Thurs

pa-ru is unable to start then, must go without him, as longer delay will not do.  The Company engaged consists of
Ar-tark-pa-ru = Boat Steerer
E-bier-bing = (Interpreter)
Koo-ter-ne-ung (= "Mr. Miner")
Koo-ter-ne-ung ("Susy")

The crew is a capital one - that is for Innuits.  I intend to be gone 7 or 8 days.  Storms may prolong the time.  The crew engaged, we returned to village No1 from whence I departed for the vessel with an Innuit crew that I was obliged to gather for the purpose or remain ashore to-night.
Capt. B., on my [[strikethrough]] going ashore [[/strikethrough]] leaving the vessel to-night, told me to talk him the result of my [[strikethrough]] going ashore to engage a crew [[/strikethrough]] endeavors to make up a crew, as soon as I came aboard;  but as I find he is in the "Land of dreams" I will not disturb him - tho' he told me [[underlined]] if he was asleep, [[/underlined]] to wake him up.

Transcription Notes:
Section of 1st page torn out.