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(8 pages in this day's Record)

1861 Oct 3 Thurs

Three Whales have been seen to-day by the Whalers - but none secured.
At one time this day (A.M.) some of the young Innuits (who are bold little creatures) from the Mast-head cried down to Capt. B. that the boats were all together down the Bay & apparently fast to a Whale - this was an electric shock of the most exciting & pleasing kind to all of us who were aboard, especially to Capt. B.
Capt. B. tried his lungs severely in calling off the Innuits from ashore to bring a boat that he might proceede at once to one of the Islands close by to examine & watch operations.  [[underlined]] In time, [[/underlined]] the boat came & came [[underlined]] "thump"! [[/underlined]]  Boat's bow to starboard side of G.H.!  Little girl, Oo-kood-lean, was boat steerer & she was not in Season in her orders for those (women & children) pulling at the oars to Tur-ban!  (Stop) [[?sequens]] - a shock! those in Boat having all the [[underlined]] sensible or sensation [[/underlined]] part of it!
The Aurora to-night fine!
As Ugarny tells me that the sheet of drawing paper I gave him (for the object of getting a specimen of Innuit ability to sketch coast about here) has been eaten up by the dogs, I give him another.  Dogs are dogs - & oft time d-'ls'!

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On board "George Henry"
Friday, Oct. 4th 1861

AM  30°  S.W.  Strong - slight snow squall
M  33°  S.W.  " [[ditto for: Strong]]  Cloudy (now then [[symbol: Sun]] out)
PM  15°  N.W.  Strong  Fair  Aurora!

If wind & weather had been favorable this Morning I think I should have started on my trip toward "Countess of Warwick's Sound", not delaying for Ar-tark-pa-ru's recovery.  The season is so far advanced that but little pleasant, favorable weather can be expected.  The time of the departure of the "George Henry" for Home is near.  I may be delayed several days longer on my trip than anticipated on a/c of bad weather, therefore, I must away as soon as possible.  I may say bad weather & unfavorable wind keeps me back to-day.  To-morrow (G.W.) I depart.
King-wer-chan (Bob), wife "Polly" & children, "Blind George" & his Koo-Koo-Yer & E-tu departed this