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1861 Oct. 5 Sat.

Fore-castle hands (from their breakfast which consisted of [[underlined]] "Scouse" [[/underlined]] - broken bread & salt pork boiled together) before "Barbekurk" who by degrees has acquired a relish for this dish of civilization!  
"Barbekurk" was in the full enjoyment of eating his breakfast when [[space]] with & her infant [[/space]] at her back came along stooped down, drew forth, piece by piece, of the bread, eating, & passing some to the infant (!)  "Barbekurk" gentleman like, generously allowed the lady & child free participation in his meal - [[underlined]] without a single growl. [[/underlined]]  Thus the three continued sharing the contents of that long, iron pan till all was gone!

Compared Chronometers
Rescue's = hVI-m27-s00  Sat. Oct 5th/61
G.H.'s = VI-10-07 (15 1/2
R's fast on GH  m16-s52 1/2

Comparison of Chro's on coming aboard night of Friday Sept 27, 1861
Rescue's = 13 h1-m19-s10
GH's = 1-2-44
R's Fast on G.H.'s  m16-s26

Sept 29/61
R's 23d hXI-26-32
GHs  XI-10-00

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1861 Oct. 5th Sat.

"Bob" (King-wer-che-ung) & his party who started for Oo-kood-lear yesterday did not make much progress.  He made out to get 2 miles when he drew in ashore & encamped where they now all are, N.E. side Rescue Bay.
The gale has continued to increase up to this time IX P.M.  At VII-00 snow accompanied the wind - but only for a short time.  These S.W. winds bring warm air while the N & N. Westerly winds bring the cold.
I have been talking with Capt. B. relative to getting back in season to go with the ship to the States.  In case of starting & 2 or 3 days bad weather immediately succeeds so that I shall be unable to proceede then I am to turn face back.  In case we reach Oo-pung-ne-wing & long storms prevail so that we cannot coast back in season to be here by the 20th then we are to take 1st opportunity to make up with Boat the Bay leading nearest to Rescue Bay (wh. is the Bay we strike on to on making 2 1/2 miles land travel from West side near head Rescue Bay)