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(Nine pages in this day's record)
1861 Oct 12 Sat.

To-night (hX) Mate Rogers tells me that 31 casks of 5 Barrels each of oil have been boiled out since starting the Works, on Thursday Morning.  It is expected to finish up balance of the Whales' blubber to-morrow A.M.
To-day paid off the Innuit crew that accompanied me in attempting to make my trip to Oo-pung-ne-wing.  Gave to each same one 4 lbs. shot (Ak-a-ling) 3 Boxes Percussion Caps, 2 1/2 lbs powder, 5 hands tobacco & 1 pipe.
The one excepted was the noo-li-an-a of Chimeracha Kok-er-zhun, to whom I gave instead of the above, a fine Seal or Snow Knife.  Kok-er-zhun was not really needed, or was she engaged by me to go on that trip but her wing-a, being of distrustful disposition relative to his "better half", does not often leave here long without the reach of his Watchful Eye.  
To-night the Aurora displaying itself in the Southern Heavens.  This certainly is the most favored region about here of the "Merrie-dancers".
A storm from the East is indicated by the appearance of the weather at this hour hX-m30 P.M.