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(Six pages in this day H)

+ Oct. 13th 1861

AM  27°  E  Fresh  Thick threatning clouds
M  31°  E.S.E.  Strong  " [[ditto for: Thick]]  Almost rain.
P.M.  28°  E.S.E.  " [ditto for: Strong]] Snow storm since 2 PM

Much of the ice that made night before last & yesterday has been driven into the harbor & around the vessel since wind changed (I am now writing VII-00 AM)
My 1st visit on deck this Morning was one of great solicititude hoping to find good Weather.  The cause of this is to be found in the following:  Nearly the night long was spent revolving in my mind how to obtain that precious relic at Oo-pung-ne-wing in season to take it to the States with me if the "George Henry" could prolong her stay here till the 20th of this Month.  I thought of this plan:  To get the Innuits (a Boats crew) to take 2 Ki-as & 2 extra Innuits for there to the land opposite (W.) side of Rescue Bay & then to assist the 2 Innuits with the Ki-as in transporting them (the Ki-as) over the land to the Bay making up within 2 1/4 miles of Rescue Bay.  The 2 Innuits with

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1861 Oct 13 +

Ki-as then to proceede direct to Oo-pung-ne-wing & obtain (if to be found) that important relic & transport it to head of said Bay.  On their arrival, to make their way directly to the dividing ridge between the 2 Bays (Frobisher & Rescue) & there raise a signal flag indicating for me to send off the Boat & Innuit crew to their assistance in transporting the relic & Ki-as to the coast of this Bay.  The distance from this harbor to Oo-pung-ne-wing by the route above indicated is only about 15 miles while by route down to & through Lupton Channel & thence to Oo-pung-ne-wing is nearly or quite [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] four times 15 miles.
But on comparing [[underlined]] all circumstances bearing [[/underlined]] on the 2 routes, I concluded that the one by way of Lupton Channel preferable.  The accomplishment of acquiring that relic by this route to be in this way:  Offer an Innuit Crew (of careful selection) liberally in tobacco, powder, Caps & shot if they will proceede in [[underlined]] all possible haste [[/underlined]] to Oo-pung-ne-wing for said relic - if they obtain & deliver it aboard, to be rewarded extra.  This crew also to