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Monday, Oct 14 1861

AM  29°  E.  Fresh - Thick - slightly snowing
M.  30°  N.E.  " [[ditto for: Fresh]]  Thick
P.M.  30°  N E  " [[ditto for: Fresh]]  Snow Storm

Snow storm continued through the night.  This Morning snowing lightly.
Through with boiling blubber at VI this Morning.  The 2 Whales have turned out about 230 Barrels.  Exact number will be determined on drawing off the oil from the casks on deck & sending it down into the casks below.
A "Job's Comforter" of no ordinary character has made its inception twinges & appearance under my sinister arm (in the pit).  The visits of these Comforters [[underlined]] are not few, nor far between. [[/underlined]]  I submit cheerfully for it is not only common philosophy but of a higher element so to do.
The Vessel is mid ice still.  As it is, no boat can get to, or leave her.  2 1/4 hours such weather as Fri & Sat would fasten her solid.

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1861 Oct 14 Mon

My impression is that as soon as the oil now on deck is stowed away in the hold the "George Henry" will be let loose - & sails given her for Home!
One of the Northumberland Inlet Innuits - a stranger to me - has just (VIII-15 AM) put his head into the opened door of the Aft Cabin where I am writing, & hands me an Innuit Charm (which he has torn from his skin jacket to make a raise) saying:  'Tobacco Mik'.  I take it - give him a hand of tobacco & ask him:  Ar-ting-er Ebier - (What is your name!)  He answers:  'Ar-tuk-tu-ar-ping'.
The Charm is pendant from a string of Took-too skin - is of wood & carved to represent a [[underlined]] seal [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] bird, I do not know wh.! [[/underlined]]  I keep it however & place it among my "Curios."  
I have to give up all idea of securing the relic at Oo-pung-ne-wing to take home with me.  The bad weather will not admit of a passage there.  What a pity Koo-jes-se did not favor [[underlined]] Koo-ter-ne-ung's ("Susy") ^[[(Koo-ou-le-arny Correct H.)]] [[/underlined]] communicating to me what she desired to when we were encamped at Ni-oun-te-lik!