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1861 Oct 15 Tues

Bay onto wh. we passed last Winter on leaving the W. side Rescue Bay, near upper part & making the 2 1/2 miles (land route) & there leaving Boat & travelling over the land to the Coast of Rescue Bay & at once raising signals for one of the Ship's Boats to come to our rescue.
On discussing this matter we concluded that the signal be:  Raising flag - raising smoke by burning the 'Wood of the Country' (a dwarf shrub resembling the smallest limbs & leaves of the hemlock) - & by the firing of guns.
Also concluded that if our boat was wrecked anywhere along the Coasts from here to Oo-pung-ne-wing to make our way along the land - over mountains & hills to the point opposite the vessel & on W. side Rescue Bay & then make signals as above.  It was anticipated that there were more reasons than otherwise for concluding that some mis-hap would occur, that we (I & my party) would be obliged, (if we ever could make our return) to adopt the plans as above indicated.  We decided that the Chronometer had better be left at the vessel, for in case of any such disaster, as canvassed, overtaking us, it would have to be abandoned with the rest of the things;  & this Instrument was too valuable to be subjected to such risk - furthermore, that I should take with me only such articles as necessity demanded.  Capt B. was of the opinion that no Innuit would have consented to accompany me on this trip were it not for their feelings that: '[[underlined]] If a Kod-lu-narr [[/underlined]]

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1861 Oct 15 Tues

[[underlined]] dare undertake the risk in making this voyage, we will not have it said that we, Innuits, shrink from it!' [[/underlined]]
The gale of last night & to-day abated at XI-30 A.M. when a Boat load of Innuits came aboard - [[underlined]] 26 Innuits only, in the Boat! [[/underlined]]
Ar-na-wa was of the numbr.  Soon as he came into the Cabin, I requested that he should take a stick-saw off a piece & make a [[underlined]] model [[/underlined]] of the [[underlined]] "heavy stone" [[/underlined]] he had seen on Oo-pung-ne-wing.  He complied with my request.  The model he has made is of same character as those made by Ugarny & Ar-tark-pa-ru.  It is a great many years ago since he has seen the "heavy stone" - does not know how many - does not know what Kod-lu-narrs used it for.  Says that when Innuits could not go out with their Ki-as to catch walrus & seal on a/c bad weather the Innuits would meet together in some tupik & spend their time in trying to lift 

[[note]] (See p 2,3,4,5,6,7 of Oct. 12/61 U. & A. & S. models) [[/note]]