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1861 Oct 16 Wedns

Twer-oong asked me if I wanted some Tood-noo also?  I told her I would like to take some home to America.  She drew forth a large piece - cut of with her Ood-noo a liberal slice.  The Tood-noo must be from a very large & fat Took-too it being full 2 1/2 inches thick.
I eat quite a meal of pieces of Tood-noo that Twer-oong cut of for immediate consumption.  I soon departed having spent a very pleasant 1/2 hour with this good soul.
Called in Tuk-oo-li-too's Tupik & then left for the vessel having bid her a kindly Good day.
Capt. B. says that Capt. Sutter came down to Knew-gum-mi-ook ("Rescue Bay") in the fall same Season as Brown - that Sutter's Boat went to Og-bier-see-o-ping remained there 1/2 a day & returned but saw no whales there but a great many here.  Sutter came here the following year - got one whale each year.  Tuk-oo-li-too told me several times during the interview with Artarkparu

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1861 Oct 16 Wedns

& his wife that the babe was so sick & made so much noise that she could not understand me, nor, them - [[underlined]] could not talk right. [[/underlined]]  Therefore, relative to the matter communicated about Sutter's whaling all due allowance must be made.
Capt B. says (relating an incident of the instinct of the Polar Bear) that in 1850 while beset in the ice in Melville Bay in company of many eng. ships a Bear was seen from the mast head by very many witnessing the scene to dive down through a seal hole in the ice & come up through another - more than the distance of the ship's length - around wh. (Seal hole) were lying three Seals.  The body or carcass of the Bear filled the Seal-hole thus cutting off all possibility of the Seals retreating.  Polar Bear proceeded at once in dispatching them.  The Eng. stated to Capt. B. that this feat they had seen performed by these "Lions of the North" very man times.  The Walrus sometimes proves a match to the Polar Bear sometimes.  Ugarny once killed a Polar Bear that had had its hide & bowels penetrated