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1861 Oct 17th Thurs.

Rescue Bay - Davis Strait, Frobisher Bay & Kingaite were within view.
I was surprised at the height I evidently had gained.  "North Foreland", (as Capt B. calls the Island out in Davis Strait, North of Monumental Island), Monumental Island & the Islands of the Extreme Land which I visited last Winter, loomed up their heights as I had never seen them before (at so great a distance from there showing that the high land on wh. I was, was high indeed.  No unusal or unnatural refraction conduced to this.  I took the Spy & proceeded to take prolonged looks.  I first directed the glass toward the vessel wh. I could not see with the "naked eye".  There with its broad side to the water's edge - & its towering masts I beheld her.  I then directed it to Davis Strait.  This I was was filled with heavy "Pack".  I swept it along down said Strait to the Extreme of the Extreme Land - no black water - nought but [[underlined]] Pack [[/underlined]], [[double underlined]] Pack [[/double underlined]] met my view!  I was somewhat surprised at this but thought that perhaps to Capt. Budington this will be but a 

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1861 Oct 17 Thurs

familiar, every year affair.  The sequel to this will be soon written.
I asked my Innuit attendant to take the glass & [[underlined]] tak-koo se-ko [[/underlined]] (to see the sea-ice).  Shev-ek-koo Having viewed it carefully, I asked him:  Se-ko [[?amasuit]]?  He replied: 'Oud-loo! - Oud-loo!!'  The way he answered me, the deep, slow tone of his voice, I took it that he too was surprised at the sight.  I wondered how a vessel was going to get out of Rescue Bay! - but then next instant I thought:  Well, now, Capt. B. will find some way of course, wh. my inexperienced self cannot devise by wh. the "George Henry" can be put through that Pack.  My thoughts were also of Capt. Parker & his son (each with a vessel) that they having left about this time last year & proceeded Home & we can now do the same.  I took another prolonged look of Davis Strait before I left.  "Monumental Island" was white.  Its sides presented no black rock peering out & so of North Foreland.  The "Pack" appeared very rough.  Much pinnacled ice was amongst it.  Especially around the 1st Island (next Davis Strait) of the Extreme land was this Pack.  As far as eye could reach