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(22 Pages i this day's record)
1861 Oct 17 Ths

rounded Mountain W. side of the Channel I, Ebierbing & Kood-loo went down when on trip to Ex. of Ex Land.

"Direction Peak" by Rescue Bay W. side right hand as we made landing at base  289°
Lower end Island where ship is  220°
" " [[dittos for: Lower end]] Isls nearest W. side R. Bay = 210°

Arrive Boat at wh. time start hVIII-m30 (Chro
" [[ditto for: Arrive]] At ship 4 ms. per h. X-15 (under sail)

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^[[(Six pages in this day H.)]]

Friday, 18, 1861.

A.M.  13°  N W  Light  Cloudy
M.  20°  N W  " [[ditto for: Light]] (very)  Fair
P.M.  18°  S.E.  Light  " [[ditto for: Fair]] threatening

This Morning the 1st & all important matter of our being obliged to Winter here absorbs our attention.  It is the general subject of conversation fore & aft.
Capt. B. started off at hVII-m00 A.M. taking with him his principal officers for taking a view from Budington Mt. of the Pack in Davis Strait.  At hIX-m45 AM he returned reporting that Rescue Harbor was so solid frozen that he could not get through it - was obliged to make for another point this side.  At last made landing & proceeded to an eminence this side - but it was not such a view as he desired to make though he saw enough to satisfy him that it would be only running terrible risks to attempt getting out this Season.  Capt. B. designs crossing the Bay to the high Land by Parker's Harbor or near French Head to-day or to-morrow if ice will admit of it.