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1861 Oct 19 Sat

Length fin external - 9 feet
Width widest part fin  5 feet
Thickness fin 4 feet from tip 9 inches
" " [[dittos for: Thickness fin]] 7 feet from tip 7 " [[ditto for: inches]] fin tapers down to 1 1/2 in at tip
Lip 1 foot thick - near extremity
Thick part lip at its union at the head about 3 inches

1 side = [[image: drawing of whale's lip annotated each side A & B]] - Lip
Black skin outside (A) 3/4 in thk
" " [[dittos for: Black skin]] Inside B 1/8 " [[ditto for: thk]]

[[image: drawing of fin annotated Right fin, tip[[

Longest slab Whale bone 12 feet 2 in
Greatest width of same  13 in
Greatest thickness blubber  13 inches
Ordinary or general thickness Blubber - 10 to 12 ins.
Color of blubber of this whale yellowish pink
Thickness black skin  3/4 to 7/8 in

[[image: drawing of whale section annotated A B C]]
(A)  Crown Bone
(B)(B) = [[underlined]] "Whale [[/underlined]] -bone"
(C) = place largely occupied by tongue

Number laminae or slabs Whale bone, long & short, both sides, exceed 600?
Length of jaw-bone  21 feet 6 ins
Greatest width " " [[dittos for: jaw-bone]] 20 ins
[[note]]  Vide orig. Drawings in Note Book [[/note]]
[[note]] Vol 1 Silver Plate silk & linen Book [[/note]]

The "flukes" were cut off before towing the whale up as it caused resistance in the towing.

Length of tail (prob.) 16 feet
Breadth " " " [[dittos for: of tail (prob.) 22 " [[ditto for: feet]]
Product of oil not including tongue = 140 Barrels
Estimated of tongue - 12 " [[ditto for: Barrels]]
Total = 152 " [[ditto for: Barrels]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

+ [[Sunday]] Oct. 20th 1861

AM  10°  N.W.  Very Light  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
M  13°  Calm  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
P.M.  12°  N W  Light  Fine

This Morning, the ice in the harbor so firm as to bear me up!
Soon as I went on deck long before sun was up, I drew forth an oar from one of the Boats on the Cranes, reached down to the ice & commenced [[underlined]] punching. [[/underlined]]  I found it solid.  Then I made my way down over the ship's starboard side [[underlined]] onto the ice! [[/underlined]]  It was nearly calm through the night, the sky cloudless.  The Pack out-side the Bay & the new ice now nearly covering the Bay have us imprisoned!  [[underlined]] For 9 [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] months to come we are ice-bound! [[/underlined]]   Some of the men still think we shall yet get out, but I do not think Capt. B. has the remotest idea now that we can.  If there were clear waters [[strikethrough]] to the entrance [[/strikethrough]] from here to outside of this Bay, it would be imperilling the lives of all aboard & the safty of the ship & cargo to undertake to drive through the pack now drifting down Davis Strait.  Keeney said