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1861 Oct 24 Ths

Twer-oong ("Susy") has been aboard to-day.  She does not visit us often.  I am always glad to meet he she was so kind to me when sick at the head of Frobisher Bay.
I invited her into our little Aft Cabin - seated beside her we looked over Parry's Illustrations of the Innuits at Ig-loo-lik (Vide) (Narration his 2d Voyage to Arctic regions.)  Twer-oong when young lived on North side Hudson's Strait.  She said she remembers when am-a-su-ad-loo (a great many) Innuits arrived at Kar-mo-wong (Islands N. side Hudson's Strait (Middle or Upper Savage Islands I think) in 3 [[?Ooniens]] from Ig-loo-lik!
Capt B. shot a hawk near top ship's main mast this PM with my rifle!
By the by, I must not forget to say that my good Innuit friend Twer-oong brought me a liberal piece of Tood-noo when she came aboard to-day.  Though she neither smokes or chews, I made her a return present of some tobacco which pleased her quite as well as anything I could give her on account of her wing-a being a great smoker & wanting in the material.  Twer-oong has seen & visited the Hudson Bay ships as they passed up the Strait (Hudson's)
The "George Henry's" Company were engaged this AM in stowing away the whaling gear used in the Boats during the whaling season.  After this all allowed to take their ease - some took to reading - some made visits to the Tupiks ashore - some engaged in conversation etc. etc.
It is quite generally concluded that we have got to Winter here.  Yet there [[underlined]] may be [[/underlined]] such changes effected by the elements that we will be enabled to get under way - & make passage Home - tho' not al all probable, in time for spending the holidays there!

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Friday, Oct. 25th 1861

AM  6°  N.W.  Strong (Fine) - Gale commenced at 12 mid 1/4 & continued 4 hours
M  1°  N.W.  " [[ditto for: Strong]] Fair
P.M.  0 (zero)  N W  Fresh  Fine  (Aurora)

At VII-30 AM Ther 5° (VIII-00 AM Ther. 4°  2 1/2 PM Ther 2 1/2°
" [[ditto for: At]] h4-m30 PM Ther. 0!

This Morning to all appearance our Winter's fate sealed.  The ice now (hVII-m30 AM) 7 inches thick in this harbor & increasing very rapidly.  The [[underlined]] coldest [[/underlined]] weather we have yet had - not only cold but the wind wh. has been blowing a gale now strong from N.W.
After breakfast Capt B. started out 3 Innuits (Chevekko, Kooperneuung & Kok-e-o) to go to Bud. Mt. & sight the Position of the "Pack".  Pack or no Pack, I see not how we can get out now.  It is now XII Meridian, the Sun shining brightly - wind blowing strong from N W & Ther. only one above zero!
On the high land, W. side the Bay extending down to the base - at the S. & S.E. also the air is thick either with fog - or snow accompanying the wind.  It will be a difficult matter for the Innuits to determine the situation of the Pack in Davis Strait.
Without doubt we are now where we are to remain for the next Nine Months.  Capt. B. has been out on an Island forming S. side of the Harbor.  While there saw down in the water opening three whales turn flukes!  Saw the "spouts" of others.  
This is not all that my friend has done.  This morning he loaded my favorite rifle went out on deck & shot - a Crow!  The victim was one of many feeding daily on the carcass of a whale a short distance from the vessel (on shore).  On its being brought aboard it was found to be very poor.  The natives during a time of great scarcity of food, do sometimes eat young crows - & [[underlined]] young dogs! [[/underlined]]  Last winter several pups that died of starvation were eaten by the Innuits of Knew-gum-mi-uke (Rescue Bay)
One hour after Capt B. came in from the Island, an Innuit boy came aboard & reported that he had seen just seen a Whale from same place