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1861 Nov 7 Thurs

of wh. the Pemican consists, makes rich food.  I know of no improvement that I could make in the Pemican which I brought with me.  If ever I make another lot I shall endeavor to have it like what I have.
A long storm we are having.  The more southerly the wind gets, the higher the temperature.
The wind blowing constantly the force of a fresh gale.  The Bay must become [[underlined]] packed [[/underlined]] with Pack.  I hope a good Nor-Wester will soon follow as I wish to make another trip this Winter down to the "Extreme Land".  Having smooth ice will greatly facilitate my travelling by sledge drawn by dogs.  If the Bay should become frozen with the Pack now in it all hopes of making this trip would be at an end.
So with Oo-kood-lear (Budington Bay) I wish explore the whole extent of that Bay before I leave for the States.  That is probably now filled with Pack.  I trust it will soon become [[underlined]] 'unpacked'. [[/underlined]]  For several days our Company in the steerage engaged (two at a time) playing "Chequers".  I have taken a hand now & then.  Most of my time, however, I spend in writing, & working up observations preliminary to executing a Chart of my Explorations.  I hope to have in readiness to carry to the States a Chart of several hundred miles of Coast that have never before been explored.

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Friday, Nov. 8th 1861

AM  30°  E  Light  Thick (cloudy)  Rain
M  32° 1/2  E  Fresh  " " " [[dittos for: Thick (cloudy) Rain]]
PM  34 1/2  S.E.  Strong  " " [[dittos for: Thick (cloudy)  Much Rain

Yet the storm continues - at times blowing a moderate gale.  Toward night rain commenced pouring down.  The deck has become free of snow.  All the snow as it fell was allowed to remain that it might make a warm covering, but now the moist, warm spell that we have been having for the last 4 days has taken it off.
At 4 PM took a walk to the tupiks - or rather to one - Ebierbing's.  I was sorry to find Tuk-oo-li-too indisposed - also the babe.  While ashore took E's spy & made my way onto the highest of the Island.  Tho' thick, yet could see that the Pack has been driven far up into the Bay.  It is now nearly solid full - the only water to be seen a narrow belt midway the present ship's harbor & Rescue Harbor.  It shoots up the Bay on the other side of the Island near the vessel & hugs it along shore.

Saturday Nov. 9th 1861

AM  34°  E.S.E.  Mod. Gale  Light Rain
29.375  M  34°  S.E.  " " " " [[dittos for: Mod. Gale  Light Rain]]
PM  34°  E.S.E.  " " " " [[dittos for: Mod. Gale  Light Rain]]

Storm yet continues - Snow fast disappearing of the land.
Pemican & Borden's meat biscuit cooked together for dinner to-day.  The virtues of this compound cannot be too highly extolled.  I wonder whalers are not supplied with