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^[[ [[in blue]] [4 pages & 2 supplements in this day  H] [[/in blue]] ]]
[[encircled in red]] 6 [[/encircled in red]]
[[strikethrough]] Capt. S.O. Budington [[/strikethrough]]
Saturday Nov 16 1861
29.775 AM 20° N.W. 1. b.c.v. [[symbol: Sun]]
.700 M 21[° N.W. 1. b.c.v. [[symbol: Sun]]
.725 P.M. 15° N.W. 1. [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] [[symbol: Moon]] & ** [[symbols for starts]] [[underlined]] No [[/underlined]] Aurora!
Last night at IX wind changed to NW blowing light - the clouds at the N & NW beginning to open. This morning at 4 not a cloud to be seen. At six ^[[AM]] dark clouds West & a band near horizon SE.  Otherwise fair weather.
Some of the G.H's men started off hunting this Morning, also Innuits.
Meridian Obs On 35' - 00"
off 30-00
hIV-m27-s35 16°-10'-00" [[line]]
[[strikethrough]] 29 [[/strikethrough]] 29-55 10-30 118° [[Note: dotted line from previous observation to corresponding number to right]]
2) 5-00
33-25 10-00 { Variation 180
37-17 9-15 { Needle 118
39-43 7-45 [[line]] 116° [[/line]] N. = 62° W.
[[line]] [[line]] 
{ Vide over }
{ Worked wh }
5) [[?]] -47-30
16-09-30 = Carried over
h m
Compared Chro R's hV-m01-s52
O ,78345 = [[?]] GH Fast per Day
12' Days Nov. 4 to 16th
9.40140 [[Note: dotted line from preceding entry to same truncated entry below]]
G. H. Fast Nov 4th m7-s16
GH " [[ditto for: Fast]] Nov 16th = 7-25,4}
G.H.'s [[strikethrough]] [[1]] [[/strikethrough]] 4-43-00
R's Fast on G. Henry 18-52.5 [[checkmark]]
Nov 16th/61 7-25.4 G. H. Fast on G.T.
m26-s18 } = Rescue's Fast [[Note: dotted line from previous entry to entry on right]]
      } = over Greenwich T. 