Viewing page 547 of 661

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^[[ [[in blue]] 4) [[/in blue]] ]]
Breakfast lunch on Coffee & sea bread.
For dinner to-day Griddle Cakes & Molasses = Good - for Lunch to-night molasses-sweetened Cold Water & sea-bread.
No Aurora tonight - [[strikethrough]] ov[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Unusual for such a night as this - Clear & cloudless. Air calm - carried an open lamp on deck - the flame upright.
The natives have now began their annual work making Took-too clothing. Found Toun-ou-le-ary dressing my Took-too skins when I went ashore this eve.
[[image - cross]] Nov 17th 1861
29.5 AM 10[[degree symbol]]  N.W. 0. b. Fair
.45 M 18[[degree symbol]] NW  1. [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
.40 PM 16 NW 2 [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
{ Full Moon 
{ [[?]] h m  
{ 17-1-6.6  
{ Greenwich T.
Another fine day. The change from the dark, gloomy weather that we've been having so long, produces happy effects all around. None greater than in our feelings that there is a bright glowing side to ever leaf of our life.
Sorry am I that ^[[in]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]  giving a truthful history in our wintering here to be obliged to record that games of Chequers are continued ^[[on the Sabbath]] by [[strikethrough]] those [[/strikethrough]] some of those in [[strikethrough]] the M [[/strikethrough]] Main Cabin. The influence upon the natives certainly of itself is bad. They (the Innuits) participate in said plays little thinking of any evil in it. When [[underlined]] will [[/underlined]] be the Day when good souls will come & devote themselves [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] to the good of this people?
[[line with loops across page]]
{Morning Lunch Coffee & Sea-biscuit.
{Dinner = Rabbit pie: - Eve lunch coffee & sea bread.
{No "Black Skin" for two days now.
Ebierbing brought in a couple of partridges to-night.  Yesterday some Seal & Walrus meat was given us by the natives. The latter [[strikethrough]] latter [[/strikethrough]] has been in deposite [[strikethrough]] since [[/strikethrough]] for two months, yet it is in excellent state of preservation.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
^[[ [[in blue]] (1) [[/in blue]] ]]
^[[ [[in blue]] [1 page in this day H.] [[/in blue]] ]]
Monday Nov ^[[18th]] 1861
29.35 AM 24[[degree symbol]] N.W. 3 c.b.v.
29.300 M 26[[degree symbol]] N.W. 5 c.b.v.
29.300 PM 16 NW 6 c.v. 6 ^[[(1/1)]] Index Er. -1[[feet symbol]] -30[[inch symbol]]
[[to left]]
See Supplement {
Working up {
| d. xh
| Compare } - 17-22-47-00R {
| Chros. } = GH = 17th x[[?]]2 -28 03.5 {
| } [[line]]
{ R's F or G.H. 18-56.[[?]] [[checkmark]] |
[[/to left]]
[[to right]]
Obs. [[moon symbol]] W. Meridian
e h m s [[degree symbol]] [[feet symbol]] [[inch symbol]]
[[strikethrough]] IX) [[/strikethrough]] 17-21-54-00 56-39-30
[[strikethrough]] X) [[/strikethrough]] 17-X22-01-35 55-00-00
[[strikethrough]] X) [[/strikethrough]] 17-22-04-05 54-27-30
[[/to right]]
[[underlined]] Supplement Nov. 18th [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 1861 (1
Astronomical day 17th/61 Nov. { [[underlined]] All the calculations ^[[ [upon this sheet]]
Obs/ [[moon symbol]] for time - [[moon symbol]] W. Meridian
[[to left]]
[[moon symbol]] h m s [[degree symbol]] [[feet symbol]] [[inch symbol]]
17-IX/ 21-54-00 56-39-30
" [[ditto for: 17]] X/ 22-01-35 55-00-00
" [[ditto for: 17th]] X/ 22-04-05 54-27-30
[[line]] [[/line]]
3) 65-59-40 3) 166-07-00
[[line]] [[line]]
21h-59-53 { 55-22-20
Chro fast G.H. 26-23 { I. Er. 1-30
[[line]] [[line]]
G.T. obs. 21-33-30 2) 55-20-50
[ 27-40-25
Decimal {d 21, 56
[[/to left]]
[[to right]]
Index Error -1[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]]
22d m s
Compare Chro. R's X-47-00
G.H.'s X-28-035
18.56.5 [[Note: dotted line from this entry to same entry below]]
[[moon symbol]] h m s 
Nov. 16th-4-43-00 G.H. Chro
" [[ditto for: Nov. 17-21-28-03.5 G.H.s " [[ditto for: Chro]]
1440) 1005.0 (.7 [[boxed]] [[moon symbol]] 1.7 [[/boxed]]
[[?]] Daily
0.78345 Rate, G.H
1.7 [[Note: dotted line to same entry above]]
548415 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
d h m s m. s
G.H's Nov 16-4-43-00 Fast 7-25.6
d h m s 1.3
G.H. Nov 17-21-28-03.5 " [[ditto for: Fast]] 7-26-.7
Rescue's fast on GH [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 18-56-.[[?]]
R's fast on G. Time =26-23.2
m s
[[/to right]]