Viewing page 551 of 661

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[[in blue]] 2) [[/in blue]]
Boats had started off for "King William's Land"!  
Breakfast as usual Dinner Bean Soup
Supper "black Skin", Coffee & Sea bread.
To-night or rather just as Sun went down behind high land W (2.30 PM) walked ashore. While at Ebierbing's found him "dressing up" - said he was going to Theatre. Found that Innuits have grand times now every night - promised E. that I would be present at Ook-sing's the Tupik of the Innuit where the Innuit plays are performed.
At 1/2 past six I was preparing to go over.  Capt. B. had retired & nearly all the others - but C B. was not asleep. I got him up & dressed - when he & Gardiner accompanied me to see the fun! The Eve delightful - Aurora & Moon enlightening our way.  Quickly there. The Innuits (men on outside Ook Sing's Tupik dancing & wrestling! Capt. B. bowed his head, looked in Tupik & crowded himself into a mass of Innuits I & Gardiner following. "Jim Crow" was the Band (the musical band!) & the dancer.  While he performed on the Kie-lonn (the same as a Tamborine except that it has no bells & is furnished with a handle!) & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] performed antic motions, the house (?) filled with Innuit ladies wh. were singing & rocking each other at each stroke of the Kie-lonn  rang with joy and gladness, The performance on Kie-lnn by Ook-Sing next - then by myself! followed by Capt B. till he was disabled by a rap of the finger. A rich treat!
[[strikethrough]] (See further description [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] 31st) [[/strikethrough]] [[encircled strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/encircled strikethrough]] 
[[line across page]]
Chro Time } To-night measured distances [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] of [[symbol: Moon]] N.G. & Pal^[[l]]ux
{ (1
D 19. [[checkmark]] 13-51-50 [[checkmark]] 26[[degree symbol]] -14[[feet symbol]] -30[[inch symbol]] on 30-30
" [[ditto for: D 19.]] [[checkmark]] 55-55 [[checkmark]] 12-45 off 30-00
" [[ditto for: D 19.]] [[checkmark]] 59-50 [[checkmark]] 11-45 2) 30
I. Error -15
Compared Chros  
R h14-42-03 (6h | Used Astral Telescope
G.H. 14-23 00
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
^[[(4 p. & Sup. this day H)]]
[[underlined]] Vide Supplement [[/underlined]]
[[in blue]] ^[[ [4 p. & Sup. this day H. ] ]] [[/in blue]]
Wednesday Nov 20th 1861
29.5 AM 11[[degree symbol]] N.W. 3. Fair
29.475 M 15 NW 2 c.b.v.
29.475 PM 19 N.W. 1 c.b.v. (1/1) Aurora
This Morning
One obn. Distance [[symbol: Moon]] N.4. & Jupiter { small Telescope (No I. Error)
h m 
Chro Time 20th = 0-26-45 83°\[[degree symbol]] -00[[feet symbol]] -00[[inch symbol]]
h m 
Compd Chro R 0-19-04.5(9h
G.H. --- 0-00-00
R's fast on GHs 19-04.5
m s
[[line with loops across page]]
Determined Distance to-day from Vessel in her present Harbor to ^[[Look Out Isd 1/2 mile below]] Rescue Harbor - Two & 1/2 miles {2.44 = correctly)
Look Out Is below [[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] Rescue Harbor]] to eminence on Island near here (Sex) 98[[degree symbol]] -00[[feet symbol]]
On Said Eminence Angle of ^[["Look-Out" Isd below]] Whale Island to ]
Main Mast of Vessel     ] [[double underlined]] (Sex) [[/double underlined]] = 76[[degree symbol]] -40[[feet symbol]]
{ "Look Out below }
{ Rescue Harbor }
[[encircled]] B [[/encircled]]
[[Note: from 'B' above triangle]]
[[left side of triangle]]
[[vertical]] (Miles 2.44) [[/vertical]]
(98[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]])
[[/left side of triangle]]
[[right side of triangle]]
[[vertical]] (248 miles)
A (76[[degree symbol]] - 40[[feet symbol]])
[[/right side of triangle]]
[[bottom of triangle]]
[[encircled]] 148 paces [[/encircled]]
[[/bottom of triangle]]  
Paces Vessel to said eminence 1 48 X 4 X 2.4 feet
As 5[[degree symbol]] - 20[[feet symbol]] Sine 8.96825 98[[degree symbol]] -[[?]]0[[feet symbol]]
[[line]] [[line]]
Is to 148 Paces Log. 217026  174-40
So is 76[[degree symbol]] - 40[[feet symbol]] Sine 9.98813 180-00
[[line]] [[line]]
12.15839 5[[degree symbol]] - 20[[feet symbol]]
[[encircled]] feet per mile 6086 [[/encircled]]
8.96825 148870.4 (2.4 4
[[Note: dotted line from previous observation to same below right]]
[[boxed to left]]
[[symbol]] C Vessel
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] place on }
Eminence }
[[line]] 12172
To C. A. B. 1549 = Log. 3.19014 [[line]]
4 Steps to our pa[[?]] 27150
2.4 feet 243[[?]]4
[[line]] [[line]]
24784 28060
12392 24344
[[line]] N Miles [[line]]
Ans. s.44
(Two & 44/100 Miles) (over)
feet = 14870.4