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(2) [ Budington Mt to Main Mast }
[ George Henry (by Sextant) } = 43[[degree symbol]] -15[[feet symbol]]
[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] [ From Vessel = Whale Isd (Rescue Harbor) 
[ to ^[[said]] point obsn. (148 Paces off) (Sex)  98-00
[[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]] [ From Vessel Budington Mt to said point Obvn }
148 Paces off (sextant) } 133[[degree symbol]] -45[[feet symbol]]
See working up for distances
Nos [[encircled]] 1 2 3 [[/encircled]] & [[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]] ^[[just preceding this]] on pages 1, 2 & 3 
of this day's record N
Dinner Minced Whale Beef - Supper lunch Coffee & sea bread & a treat bean soup!
This morning, after Breakfast-lunch, Capt B. fried with his own hand a fine dish of Walrus steaks.  When done he invited me to participate with him.  Of course I did & was greatly refreshed by this excellent eating.
To-night my valued friend, Twer-oong, came aboard.  She seemed greatly grieved about something.
Walked over to Ebierbing's to-night. Had a kindly reception as I always do from my valued friends Ebierbing & Took-oo-li-too. All Innuit women now very busy making Winter clothing.
The loss by Sterry ^[[- clothing & guns[[guess]] ]] - Its discovery yesterday - 
Men of G.H. visit every Eve performances of Innuits
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Thursday Nov 21. 1861
29.475 A.M. 26[[degree symbol]] NW 3 c.v.
29.45 M 31 0 [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] nearly - (Beautiful day)
29.475 P.M. 23 N.W. 4 [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: (Beautiful]] Eve
Little Isaiah - "Twer-oong"
[[right margin red vertical line]]
A young Innuit boy whom all call "Isaiah", was aboard yesterday & displayed excellent qualities as a "Chequer" player. He played a game with Capt. B. who was unable to get a King! Tweroong was greatly grieved as she came aboard last Eve. I asked her the reason of it? but she replied only in tears. I cannot imagine the cause of her sorrow unless it be that she fears to die. She has the consumption & is very feeble much of the time.
[[/right margin red vertical line]]
Breakfast = Coffee, [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] Sea bread [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] & salt junk. Dinner = pemican, the best eating imagineable. Supper = Coffee & 1/4 Sea cake - & Black Skin. Several Innuits partook of Black Skin with us.
Tuk-oo-li-too came aboard this morning her infant in her hood ("Nei-shuk"). The little thing sound asleep & quite as comfortable as ^[[though]] in a cradle of civilization & enveloped in flannel.  There is no mistake ^[[that in]] putting the ^[[naked]] infant as Innuit mothers do at their bare back keeps it & mother warm.
This Eve, T. again aboard, bringing my "Kod-lins" (Breeches of too-too) for Winter's wear. She brought [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] also a pair of pants wh. she made while on my voyage to head of Frobisher Bay. They are of Kus-se-gear, a kind 
[[right margin red vertical line]]
of Seal beautifully mottled. T. is an excellent Tailoress sewing & manufacturing with good taste.
This eve played several games of Chequers with little Innuit boy "Isaiah". He is a youth exhibiting qualities of a smart man. How capital it would be to have him educated in the States that he might sometime become teacher to & reformer of his people. He learns quickly & has a remarkable memory. He is son of "Jennie" the Ange-ko-tress a woman [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] possessing tact, taste & judgement.
[[/right margin red vertical line]]
To-day took a walk up the Bay on the ice - ^[[thence]] crossed the Island & returned on the ice of a long narrow Bay reaching within a short distance of the Vessel. ([[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] over)