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1861  Nov 24 + [[Sunday]]

it had advanced 10° from Zenith point - there it remained a few moments when its movements were retrograde.  At the end of 1/2 hour from the time I 1st saw it, it began to die out.  Often the belts assumed the contortions of a wounded snake - then throwing itself into a right line - then again serpentine.
Breakfast = Coffee, Sea-bread & fried minced Whale beef.
Dinner Duff & molasses - Supper = fried Whale boiled Muk-Tuk bread & Coffee
The Whale beef is some Smith got ashore to-night of one of the natives.  When fried in slush its eating was quite like Fried Beef Steak of Medium quality.  Really, the most [[underlined]] beef-like [[/underlined]] eating of anything I have tasted since leaving the States.  Smith very kindly invited me to participate.  I will certainly remember him for this act.
I have spent the day reading "Dodridges Rise & Progress of Religion in the Soul" & my Bible & in contemplating the excellency of what I read.  Yet how painful to hear & see what has been going on in the Main Cabin.  No day of the week has been so busily occupied as has this in playing games on the Main Cabin table.  From early this Morn till the hour when all have retired but myself & the Steward.  Consequences be what they may I approach Capt. B. reasoning with him upon the subject & see if he will not have a rule that no gaming shall be participated in by any one on board the "George Henry" on the Sabbath Day.
I am not a model of goodness - I am a Sinner - but certainly it is for his soul's intrest & that of the men under his Command that he should make said Rule.
Much good can be accomplished by Capt B. in way of having good example set before the Innuits.
This morning Mate [[strikethrough]] Lamb [[/strikethrough]] came to the door of the little Aft Cabin asking me for the models of the Chessmen such as I had carved out & which I wished additional numbers of that he might proceede to assist me in completing the set.  My reply at once was:
Mr. L. when you told me yesterday (Sat.) that you would help me to-day in finishing the chess-men I did not think at the time the day was Sunday.  I wish only pleasant memories associated with those Chess-men therefore we will defer finishing the work on them till to-morrow.

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1861 Nov 24 + [[Sunday]]

Several times after this remark of mine I heard the expression by some of those engaged playing Chequers & Back Gammon during this day) on being invited to take a game:  [[underlined]] "No this is Sunday" [[/underlined]] (?) in a [[underlined]] sarcastic [[/underlined]] way - & then seat themselves to the Game.  I pity the hearts of those who possess such feelings.  I would that I could do some good to them.
I feel self condemned that I have not spent many Sabbaths of my life to better purposes than I have.  I can but ask Heaven's forgiveness for my sinfulness & stive to live a Godly life henceforth.

Monday Nov 25th

29.6  AM  8°  N.W.  3 u.c.
29.5  M  12°  N.W.  2 u.c.
29.35  PM  13°  NW  2 s.o.u. (Very light snow)

This AM Mate Lamb kindly assisted me in completing the balance of No. of pieces wanting for Chess-men.  While I painted & dyed, he carved.  One half were dipped in black ink - the other half colored red by rubbing them over with a vermillion pencil.  Then I made a "board(?)" of Drawing paper.  To-night Capt. B & I played a game.  It having been 17 years since Capt. B. had played Chess I was teacher.
Succeeding our game, I played one in way of learning Mate Lamb.  He will render the game quite well on playing a Doz. times.  They have many of the the Innuits (male & female) aboard as guests - & they are all engaged singing & dancing to the music of the Instrument, "Kie-lonn" & [[underlined]] "whistling"! [[/underlined]]  The sport serves an excellent purpose in keeping all good spirits & helps them to pass the long nights that now are ours.  Additional information has been gained of the Innuits to-day relative to ships in Northumberland Inlet.  It is an impossibility to get correct information of them of facts they know short of repeated & long interviews.  In fact it takes months.  If we only understood their language as well as an Innuit we could determine facts at once - but as it is, neither fully understanding each other, fully, it requires time & perseverance to gain correct information.  The Innuits began on Saturday to make Igloos (Snow huts) wh. take the place of Tupiks (Summer, skin tents)