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1861 Nov 29 Fri

appeared to him as he was on the Island near the ship that open water was up to Parker's Bay.  Dick accepted my invitation cheerfully & thankfully as he desired the walk proposed.
The Sun was just about sinking behind high land as we started (7 minutes past 2)
I paced the distance as I went down

Paces (each mark rep 100) [[symbol: 2 five bar gates and 1 vertical line representing 11]] x 4 = 4400 Paces x 2.4 feet = 10560* feet on course
[[image: drawing of flag on mountain top]] Budington Mt base Az Comp. 251°
Left Tang Whale Isd  250
Rt " " " [[dittos for: Tang Whale Isd]]  238
Left Tang "Look Out"  175
Rt " " " [[dittos for: Tang "Look Out"]]  148
Near Centre or highest Point "Look Out"  168°
Parker's Head  354
Grinnell Mt  Az. Comp  328°
Ship  354°
CW Field Mt  346° 1/2

Thence passed direct to Center "Look Out"
Paces [[symbol: 4 vertical lines]] 50 x 4 = 450 x 2.4 = 4320 feet on Course
* Add above  10560 " [[ditto for: feet]]
6086)14880 )2.44 Nautical miles
27080 by pacing to "Look Out" Island from ship

On top "Look Out" By Az. Compass
Parker's Head  68°
Point Bet. Parker's Head & French Head termination New Ice  100°
Whale Island = 301
Extreme point of Land on N side 1st point from Look Out but Not outside One  172°
Extreme of Extreme Land S. side Bay (167) = 167°
Ice berg on wh Whale spouted blood  182°

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1861 Nov 29 Fri

The ice of the Bay was precisely in appearance as when I visited "Look Out" Tuesday 26th.  I had along with me Capt. B's spy.
The weather was clear - distant objects being visible.  I was greatly pleased to find smooth ice from 2 miles below Parker's Bay to the Extreme Land - all along the coast.  Out-side I could see heavy Pack whether moving or fixed could not determine.
It was nearly dark when we got back.  Had considerable difficulty getting from the ice on to Look-Out Island as tide was up & nothing but small fragmentary ice between main ice & coast.  Started with my took-too pants on but found them so warm had to take them off returning on only civilization pants.
The party wh. left the vessel yesterday Morn for Toong-wine have had excellent weather so far.  They may be back day after to-morrow, perhaps not till Monday.
Ebierbing & Kood-loo moved into their Igloos up at "Fresh water pond" to-day.  There is now quite a snow village there, 15 in number.
[[?Grand]] Twer-oong was aboard to-day suffering much from her afflictive complaint - Consumption.  How I wish I could help her.
Breakfast this Morn. Coffee salt junk & salt Pork & sea bread & fried Whale.  Dinner Minced Whale.  Supper = sea-bread cold water sweetened with molasses.
Dick Comstock told me in our walk down to "Look-Out" this eve that the Permican & meat biscuit wh. they have twice a week is 1st rate & liked by every one forward.  After eating the soup made of these articles they all feel better than on eating any other food they ever eat.