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Monday, Dec. 2d 1861

29.3  AM  -11°  N.W.  3  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.3  M  -2°  N.W.  3  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.1  PM  -3°  N W  4  Fine  Aurora
The Barometer unreliable I think.  Tonight a slight jar caused it to move from 29.3 to 29.1

This Morning called to the Igloos of Ebierbing & Kood-loo.  Visited Kood-loo's with the object of getting Took-too fur for a pair of Winter Kummins - got 8 skin legs wh. will make a fine variegated pair.  Carried them to Tuk-oo-li-too who is to make them.  Found her dressing the skins wh. I gave her for her own Winter dress.
To-day examined - Ne-e-u-ar-pung winga & Ne-e-u-ar-ping wife who came from Se-Ko Se-lar concerning the 2 Kod-lu-nar boats wh. landed on N side Hudson Straits 2 or 2 1/2 years ago wh. information I 1st got of Ook-jook-all-lo & Allokee last spring.  The information gained to-day was precisely the same as 1st obtained.
Ne-e-ar-pung made a sketch of the coast N. side Hudson Strait from Fox Channel down to a point I suppose to be North Bluff by the Upper Savage Islands.
At a place (Bay) called "Kei-muk-ja-arn" Whales [[underlined]] [[?amasuadlo!]] [[/underlined]]  Ne-e-u-ar-pung says the many seko-selar who intended coming here this year did not come on 

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1861 Dec. 2 Mond.

account of so much Seko ice.
Tomorrow morning, Mate Rogers & Koo-jes-se leave for Budington Bay to get took-too skins.  They intended starting 2 or 3 days since but have delayed till now.
The Innuits who came from Toong-wine yesterday intend returning to-morrow morning.
I intend to make a trip to Oo-pung-ne-wing on Wednesday, taking along with me An-ne-wa & Ebierbing, the former for the object of showing me where he saw the "heavy-stone" (anvil) on Island Oo-pung-ne-wing - the latter for Dog-driver.  I may extend my journey to Toong-wine.
I wish very much to obtain [[underlined]] that Anvil! [[/underlined]]  It is probable I will have a better opportunity now to find said relic than next June as there will be at that time (June) more snow on the Island than at the present.  We hope to start for home in July.
Breakfast fried whale & the usual fare.  Dinner = Sea Pie of Fresh Seal & partridges.  Supper = Walrus, coffee & bread - the former however I did not have, as it was all eaten before I got standing room in the little pantry.
To-day I asked Capt. B. if I could have one of his officers or men to accompany me in my Spring journies, surveying the coasts around the Bays of Budington, Rescue & Frobisher.  He throught a few moments & then answered in the affirmative.  He thought the one that would stand the hardest drubbing was his 1st Officer, Mate Rogers - a Portuguese.  I told Capt. B. I wished him as an assistant in Measuring Base-lines &c.  Capt. B. opened the subject to Mate R. & in a few moments returned reporting that he (R) would be pleased to form one of my party.  I intend having with me one or 2 Innuits as well as dogs & sledge.
I must have my pocked & large Sextants covered with soft reindeer skin whenever exposed to touch, as metal in these regions burns like hot-iron when exposed to the Winter temperature.
Distance paced to fresh water pond around wh are all the Igloos  11 85/1 paces x 4 = 1140 x 2.4 = 2736 feet or = .45 N. Mile