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1861 Dec 16 Mon 

quit feasting for this night.
As the Innuits received their pieces of these described portions of Took-too they left - or rather the greater part of them - while a few continued for a few moments feasting on said pieces.
After all were gone Young Smith came into Igloo.  "Sampson" knowing him to be of my party gave him 2 pieces wh. he had laid aside for him.  Smith like myself was very hungry.  He commenced at once eating 1st from one piece & then trying the other.  After awhile I asked him how he liked it.  He replied very well but he didn't exactly like one piece as well as the other he didn't know what that was putting out his hand with the paunch portion in it! - I kept a stiff upper lip till both pieces were nearly down - when swelling sides found me heartily laughing!  Smith demanded to know what that same piece was?  I told him I was not so skilled in the science of Botany that I could tell him - but I could tell him that it was a small proportion of what came out of a huge Rein-deer's paunch - nevertheless - if Innuits eat it & like it why not you & I?  Smith dropt the frozen mass like a hot potato saying:  'You can't get any more of that stuff down me.  I can go raw walrus hide, Black Skin, & everything of that sort but can't go Paunches.  It has n't come to that yet but I do n't know but it will before we are through.
While the guests were arriving I was busily writing in my note Book - Several Innuits crowded around me interested in this (to them) curious work.  I wrote then one by one their names - (at least two or 3) & then pointed to the writing pronouncing their names  - this pleased them much.  Kop-e-o; Koo-che-ar-choo; Ning-u-ar-ping; She-lar-pik (the old lady) in Koo-choo-ar-choo's Igloo.  The call followed for me to write my name which I done - then the Innuits wish me to speak it.  [[underlined]] HALL! HALL! HALL! [[/underlined]] then rung from tongue ^[[to]] tongue throughout the Igloo!
The feast through, wh. lasted full 2 hours, I was called upon to go down & see Oo-soo-kar-lou about skins as he intended to leave early in the morning with dogs & sledge for the object of moving down his family.  I responded at once.  I found that he was loth to part with any of his furs but finally consented to let 2 short haired ones go.  I tried very hard to get 4 skins from him.  I made him excellent offers if he would.  I told him what I would give for 2.  My offer included such a variety that it was difficult for him to comprehend all - He therefore made a proposition that astonished me because my offer was thrible what he finally concluded to take for them.  He said I could have 2 skins for a Box of Caps (Water Proof numbering 250) & 1 plug of tobacco!  The trade was concluded, I cheerfully adding a pipe to the bargain.