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(Four pages in this day's record)
(Private journal of C.F. Hall)
1861 Dec. 4th Wedns

I would like to have them go home to America with me - remain thru the fall & Winter & if I was successful in getting a vessel & outfit to go to the place they knew I wanted to visit - & for wh. I came here - to accompany me on my Voyage in the Spring.  Though I have known that they would like to go to America with me, yet I told them before they finally decided, I wished them to talk it all over together & tell me in a day or two what they throught they would like to do.  If they concluded together that they would like to go then I should try & get took-too furs to make them Winter dresses for the object to let my friends in America see now & then how they (the Innuits) dress.  Also, that I wanted to get seal skins for Summer dress - & Ki-a, Oo-nar &c. &c.
[[margin note]] Private Journal [[/margin note]]
Ebierbing said that Capt B. spoke to him yesterday about his (E's) going with me - about his (e's) getting seal &c for him (E) & (T) to live on while going to America!
I told these dear friends who have always been so good to me that I should treat them as I had ever tried to do, [[underlined]] as my children. [[/underlined]]  The [[underlined]] joke [[/underlined]] (?) at Dinner upon S - didn't work!

Thursday, Dec 5th 1861

28.775  A.M.  +5°  N.W.  4 c v
28.850  M.  +3°  N.W.  4.  c. v.
28.975  P.M.  -8°  NW  8  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]

At 11 last night went upon deck & the heavens were in "glory" - as it were a conflagration as if the World were on fire was before my eyes.  A strong wind was blowing from the N.W. it [[?heaving]] ship from the S.  When the Aurora shows its finest display, it is when a brisk wind is prevailing.
The sight presented last night was gorgeous.  To the N.E., N.W. & in the Zenith the principle of the phenomenon was most active - as indeed most of it was to be seen.
This morning wind somewhat moderated