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(Private journal of CF Hall)
1861 Dec 5th Thurs.

to purchase seal, Whale, Walrus &c.
I have since coming to the North entered into [[underlined]] the general [[/underlined]] - I may say [[underlined]] universal [[/underlined]] habit of tobacco smoking - using the [[underlined]] infernal [[/underlined]] weed [[underlined]] "pipe". [[/underlined]]  I have discarded the use of that instrument for the sole purpose to save my tobacco for trading for life essentials of the Innuits.
It requires a struggle to break one's self from this habit when once fixed upon him.  But nevertheless the struggle - the battle is now.  It commenced this Morning.  (See explanation of my griefs &c Dec. 6th opposite page)
To-night a strong gale from N.W. the heaven's in star-light.

(Private journal of C.F. Hall)
(Six pages in this day's Record)
Friday Dec 6th 1861

29.275  AM  -17°  N.W.  Whole Gale (But few clouds)  Snow flying on high land & on the Bay.
29.350  M  -15°  N W  " " [[dittos for: Whole Gale]]
29.425  PM  -13°  NW  Strong  Fine  Aurora - As wind goes down Ther. rises

All through the night a strong gale making the ship to tremble in her imprisonment - & filling the air with constant roar as of many waters.
Forty nine degrees below freezing point this morning.  The air [[underlined]] cuts [[/underlined]] as one faces this Gale.
I resume now in my Weather table the expression [[underlined]] in words [[/underlined]] instead of symbols.  I shall continue this until I commence my travelling expeditions.
I will now write of an incident of last 

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(My private journal)
1861 Dec 6th Fri

I retired early (at VIII) - Before I had extinguished my light & laid my "Bowditch" one side, Capt B. came to me asking:  'If I had retired? remarking: 'it was early for me'.
I replied:  Capt B. I feel sad - & I will tell you why.
Capt B. drew up close to my side & with strong sympathetic feelings begged me to proceede & tell him all.
I then told him that his men & officers gave a broad hint yesterday while the 2d Mess was at dinner - or rather [[underlined]] succeeding [[/underlined]] it - that they purchased all the Whale Beef eaten on Board the vessel & that no one that did not contribute had any right to partake of it - furthermore, said I, in the plan the 2d Mess had concocted that they would deprive one of said Mess. (Sterry) of having any shows that the same scheme is being applied to me relative to the Daily ration of sea-bread for now three nights I have been [[underlined]] Supperless. [[/underlined]]  Taking the remarks (continued I) of the Officers & men into consideration;  I could come to no other conclusion that they thought I was beholden to them (officers & Men) for what Whale Beef I partook of - & that as to the Bread they were determined I should have none.  I continued on, saying:-  I have been reading the letter of Mess. Williams & Haven wh. induced me to accept their noble & generous offer - & wh. fully accounts for my being here.  Said letter tells me unmistakably that I have rights here on board of this vessel of Messrs. Williams & Haven wh. are entitled to be recognized just as much as any one.  Had I known that I was placing myself under obligations otherwise than Messrs. Williams & Havens, I should not on any consideration have partaken of what had been placed before me.  Had I known of it & the spirit of making some return for what I have done & now doing - been exercised, all would have been well so far as that was concerned - but as for the apparent exercise of a plan to deprive me from my daily ration of Bread - it was a game that [[underlined]] hurt my feelings [[/underlined]] - especially when the throughts are associated that you Capt. B may have sanctioned it.  I told Capt B. in conclusion - [[underlined]] 'thus I am deprived of all'. [[/underlined]]
Capt B. protested in the most solemn manner that he had had no idea of the cause of my apparent sadness till my divulging it - he said that he had noticed in the morning that I eat nothing of any consequence, & that I felt bad but supposed I was ill - assured me that I would be the last person he knew that he would lend his hand to slight or injure.  As to his officers & men