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(My private journal)
1861 Dec. 6th Friday

if he (Capt B.) should be aware of any undue conduct being exercised toward me, he should right the matter at once.  Capt B. continued to say that the application of the remarks of his officers & men he did not - he could not think were intended for any other than Mr S.-
Capt B. said, furthermore, that he had sometimes thought that he had spoken & acted in such a way that offended me - but that he could say with truth on his life - before his God - that he never intended it - & begged me forgive him if I ever had any reason to take offence - & if I could do so to give him my hand.
I told Capt B. I was not one seeking to make trouble - not one to seek out here & there points of a friend by wh. I could "charge harm" upon him - but rather did I made the case a charitable one covering up & forgetting all that I could hope of a friend doing for me.
Of course, I withheld not my hand in this matter.
Said Capt. B.: 'How ungrateful should I be - how ungrateful should we all be not to recognize the noble act on your (my) part in contributing what you (I) did on the moment it was found that we of the G.H. were imprisoned here for 9 long months beyond our expectations - truly?  Capt B. may say 'you it is who have supplied us with the wherewith to live'.  Much more was said by both - all the while my eyes pouring forth a flood of "heart's gushings".
This Morning I put on my took-too suit & ventured out in the Gale going to the windward.  Thermometer stood at 47 below freezing point!  I made my way over to Ebierbing's battling all the way with the furious gale.  My object in going ashore was to see Ebierbing about going to Toong-wine to get me soome Took-too furs for bedding this Winter - & also to get 2 or 3 additional skins to take home with me designing the same for making Winter suits for Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too as before expressed that my friends might see natives with their native suits on now & then.
Ebierbing expressed a willingness to go for me & said that he 

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(My private journal)
1861 Dec. 6th Fri.

would be over to the ship sometime during the day & see me about preparations.
Before going over I consulted with Capt. B relative to the purpose I had in view at the time Mate Rogers started off to Ookoodlear.  I told Capt B. I feared it would not be well for me to go as I found that was being afflicted by another of those obstinate absesses now gathering that now & then fall to my lot on my shoulder - that Ebierbing would accomplish my business at Toong-wine as well as tho' I accompanied him.  It was found that an old Innuit was intending to start off to Toong-wine with dogs & sledge as soon as the present gale ceases & Capt B. & myself concluded that it would be well to leave it to Ebierbing whether he would accompany said Innuit or go with his own sledge.  "Smith", the one I had had in mind a long time ago to accompany me to King William's Land, Capt B. having consented to spare him for that purpose qualifying his (Cap B's) consent with the remark that he (S) would not prove to be the man I estimated him (S.) at - I say [[underlined]] "Smith" [[/underlined]] got the consent of said "Old Innuit" to go with him to Toong-wine that he might get skins.  Soon as "Smith" found that Ebierbing contemplated going he was "happy".  Here came forth a new phase.  Capt. B. consulted with Smith & then advised that I let Smith go - & on his Smith's return then to send Ebierbing signifying that Smith had but little with wh. to buy skins - that he (S) stood in need of nothing essential more as he had his winter jacket, trousers, Kummins & stockings.
[[underlined]] I swallowed down revolting feelings [[/underlined]] that reasonably found their way into my heart (as I have had a thousand occasions during my stop on the "George Henry") & said Capt. B. - I shall not send Ebierbing or go myself.  He Capt B. came & told me that S. said if I would send my articles for purchasing skins by him he would attend to it.  I told Capt. B. I could not do that.
This is my [[underlined]] "private journal [[/underlined]] - therefore I hesitate not to put down all that I choose to.  This same man was broadly hinted to, no longer ago than yesterday before men & officers in the Aft Cabin of the G.H. as having night before last entered while all were asleep the little Aft Cabin & helped himself to powder from a cask standing in said little Aft Cabin.  On discovery of this, which was by a quantity of powder that found scattered on the "locker" Capt B. had the cask placed down in the run under lock & key.  Capt B. made the remark before all of us (the one in question