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(Private journal)
1861 Dec 6th Fri

that is the subject of the remark was ashore at the time) that when a man is found buying this & that requiring a good deal of pay & such a one has got little or nothing to pay with of his own it becomes one to enquire Where he gets his supply'?
Soon after this the "powder-plot" was discovered?
Mate Lamb & Mate Gardiner on Capt. B. request were both called upon to come into the "little Aft Cabin" to see the scattered powder.
The subject of this has formerly been charged by Capt. B. of taking sea-bread clandestinely from the ship in the face of his Capt B.'s orders to the contrary & trading it with the natives.
And now this same one proposes after exercising an ungenerous spirit about my going on sending to Toong-wine to take my things in charge & purchase what I want.
The [[underlined]] Cut severest & unkindest of all, [[/underlined]] is that, finally, this same subject is supplied by Capt. B. with some of the very articles I have seen fit to contribute for the [[underlined]] necessities [[/underlined]] of the Ship's Company - to wit powder, shot, tobacco - & I know now what else!
The fault I have to find with my friend is his [[underlined]] indecision [[/underlined]] & indiscretion.  I am told to withold my sending to Toong-wine on the basis that [[underlined]] the party has but little, [[/underlined]] therefore can get but little.  I do so - & then the party is supplied with articles as indicated.  It was told me by Capt. B. that a team can be made ready at once after getting Mate Rogers started to Oo-Kood-lear that I might start off for Toong-wine.  Nothing more said about the matter till R. returns as it was impossible I found to get lines for the dogs.  On R's return my trip desired to be put off till S. returned.
I put these matters down not for others eyes.  I wish them only seen & known by myself.  I wish, if God spares my life for several years, to review this record of [[underlined]] trials, perplexities, hardships [[/underlined]] I have endured.  I have failed to do it till now.  I begin on the sentiment: [[underlined]] "Better my late than never". [[/underlined]]
After dinner, I made my way into Took-too suit again & went over to the Island to tell my friend, Ebierbing, [[underlined]] not to think of going [[/underlined]] to Toong-wine as I had decided it imprudent.
I came near freezing my great toe of sinister foot in going over.  I had neglected putting on full feet gear for their protection having simply Took-too stockings & seal boots (Kummins) on.  The full rig for feet as practiced by Innuits (wh. custom we have to adopt if we would be 

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(Private journal)
1861 Dec 6th Fri

protected from freezing) consists of
1st long took-too stockins the fur long next the skin
2d = socks of Meituk (Duck) skins feathers on & inside
3d = socks of seal-sking, - hair outside
4th Kummins (Native Boots) with legs of took-too, the fur outside - Soles of Ook-gook.
All these properly made will keep one's feet warm during the codlest weather - provided they are kept dry.  On becoming damp, by perspiration say at night - they should then be dried over the Ik-ku-mer fire-light of the Innuits.  One should have 2 sets of feet gear as above - when one becomes moist to be replaced by the dry.  Thus the Innuits are able to with-stand many hours even days/nights of exposure to the coldest of weather in these Northern Regions.
Through wind blowing smart from N.W. to-night the Aurora fully displaying its beauty.  The harder the wind blows the more brisk the dances of the Aurora beams.
Dinner - Venison.  Very [[underlined]] strong [[/underlined]] from [[underlined]] age [[/underlined]] since killed but good supper
(Six pages in to-day's Record)

Saturday, Dec. 7th 1861

29.5  AM  -10°  N.W.  Light  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.5  M  9°  N W  " [[ditto for: Light]] Fine
29.475  P.M.  9°  N.N.  " [[ditto for: Light]] Cloudy Threatening storm

This Morning the Toong-wine Innuits & the Old Innuit from here with [[underlined]] "Smith" [[/underlined]] started for Toong-wine.
The Toong-wine Innuits took along a very sick Innuit Ek-Chood-loo, his family & effects.